1. 名词
clout [klout] (复数:clouts)
1. 权势;影响力
2. 重击;猛击
3. (尤指布匹或纸张的)补丁,片状物
2. 形容词
clout [klout]
1. 有影响力的
2. 重击的;猛烈的
1. 形容词 "clout" 和名词 "clout" 在含义上有所不同。形容词 "clout" 指的是有影响力的,而名词 "clout" 指的是权势、影响力、重击等。
2. "clout" 还可以是一个动词,表示用力打击或敲打。
1. cloutless: 无影响力的
2. cloutiness: 有影响力的
3. clouty: 有影响力的
1. influence: 影响力
2. power: 权势
3. authority: 权威
4. punch: 重击
1. insignificance: 无关紧要
2. weakness: 虚弱
3. powerlessness: 无力
clout (klout) (名词)
1. 影响力;权势
2. 重击;猛击
3. (尤指布匹或纸张的)补丁,片状物
clout (klout) (形容词)
1. 有影响力的
2. 重击的;猛烈的
clout (klout) (名词)
1. 权势;影响力
2. 重击;猛击
3. (尤指布匹或纸张的)补丁,片状物
clout (klout) (形容词)
1. 有影响力的
2. 重击的;猛烈的
1. 作为名词使用:
He has a lot of clout in the industry. (他在这个行业有很大的影响力。)
She gave him a clout on the head. (她给了他一个头部的重击。)
2. 作为形容词使用:
She is a clouty politician who can make things happen. (她是一个有影响力的政治家,可以推动事情发生。)
The boxer delivered a clout punch to his opponent. (这位拳击手给了对手一记重击。)
- She has clout in the music industry and can make or break a career. (她在音乐界有影响力,可以决定一个人的事业成败。)
- The government is trying to gain more clout in international affairs. (政府正努力在国际事务中获得更多的影响力。)
- He was hit with a clout to the face and knocked unconscious. (他的脸被重击,昏迷了过去。)
- The company used its clout to negotiate a better deal. (公司利用其影响力来谈判一笔更好的交易。)
- She delivered a powerful clout to the ball, sending it soaring over the fence. (她用力一击将球猛烈击出,使其越过围栏飞出去。)
- The boxer's clout punch knocked his opponent out cold. (拳击手的重击将对手打晕了。)
- He used a clout to patch up the hole in his jeans. (他用布块来补裤子上的洞。)
- Her clouty reputation helped her secure the promotion. (她有影响力的声誉帮助她获得了晋升。)
- The boss has significant clout within the company. (老板在公司内部有重要的影响力。)
- The senator's clout in Congress allows her to push through important legislation. (这位参议员在国会的影响力使她能够推动重要立法。)
- He used his clout to secure a better contract for his client. (他利用他的影响力为客户争取到了一份更好的合同。)
- The company's board of directors has lost its clout in recent years. (近年来,公司的董事会已经失去了影响力。)
- She gave him a clout on the back of his head for being disrespectful. (她因为他的无礼行为给了他一个后脑勺的重击。)
- He used a clout to fix the tear in the tent. (他用一个片状物修补了帐篷上的撕裂处。)
- The politician's clouty connections helped him win the election. (这位政治家的有影响力的关系帮助他赢得了选举。)
- The team's clouty performance earned them a spot in the finals. (这支球队有影响力的表现使他们进入了决赛。)
- The boxer delivered a powerful clout to his opponent's jaw. (拳击手给了对手的下巴一记有力的重击。)
- She used her clout to advocate for equal rights. (她利用她的影响力倡导平等权利。)
- His clout within the organization enabled him to implement significant changes. (他在组织内的影响力使他能够实施重大变革。)
- They patched up their differences with a clout agreement. (他们通过达成一项协议来弥补彼此的分歧。)