trailing [ˈtreɪlɪŋ] 1. 跟踪的;追逐的;追随的 例:The detective followed the suspect's trailing footsteps to find him.侦探跟踪嫌疑人的脚步迹象来找到他。 2. 拖尾的;拖曳的 例:The bride wore a long trailing wedding gown.
新娘穿着一袭拖尾的婚纱。 3. 下垂的;垂挂的 例:The plant had trailing vines that grew along the ground.
trailing [ˈtreɪlɪŋ] 1. 尾随;跟踪 例:The trailing of the suspect led to his arrest.嫌疑人的尾随行动导致了他的逮捕。 2. 拖曳物;拖尾部分 例:The car left a trailing of dust as it sped away.
1. trail: n. 小径;痕迹;v. 追踪;拖曳2. track: n. 轨道;足迹;v. 追踪;跟踪
3. pursuing: adj. 追赶的;追求的
4. ensuing: adj. 随后发生的;接着的
5. hanging: adj. 悬挂的;垂下的
1. chasing: adj. 追逐的;追赶的;n. 追逐;追赶2. tracking: n. 追踪;跟踪;adj. 跟踪的;追踪的
3. tracing: n. 追踪;描图;v. 追踪;描图
leading: adj. 领先的;主导的;n. 领导柯林斯词典
trailing [ˈtreɪlɪŋ] 1. ADJ 形容词 - trailing plants, branches, or flowers grow along the ground or hang down - trailing clouds of smoke or dust move slowly behind something 2. N COUNT 可数名词 - a trailing plant, branch, or flower - the trailing leaves of a plant hang down牛津词典
trailing [ˈtreɪlɪŋ] 1. ADJECTIVE 形容词 - following behind someone or something - a trailing plant or branch grows along the ground or hangs down 2. NOUN 可数名词 - a trailing plant or branch用法
- The detective followed the suspect's trailing footsteps to find him. - 侦探跟踪嫌疑人的脚步迹象来找到他。 - The bride wore a long trailing wedding gown. - 新娘穿着一袭拖尾的婚纱。 - The trailing of the suspect led to his arrest. - 嫌疑人的尾随行动导致了他的逮捕。 - The car left a trailing of dust as it sped away. - 汽车离开时留下了一道尘土的拖尾。例句
- The dog was trailing behind its owner as they walked along the beach.
- 狗在主人走在沙滩上时跟在后面。
- The runner had a trailing leg as he crossed the finish line.
- 跑步者在越过终点线时有一条拖尾的腿。
- The hiker followed the trailing path through the dense forest.
- 徒步旅行者沿着茂密的森林走上了小径。
- He left a trailing of bread crumbs for the birds to follow.
- 他留下了一串面包屑供鸟儿跟随。
- The trailing ivy covered the old stone wall.
- 下垂的常春藤覆盖着古老的石墙。
- The trailing vines of the plant added a touch of elegance to the garden.
- 这种植物的蔓延藤蔓给花园增添了一丝优雅。
- The astronaut's trailing tether floated freely in space.
- 宇航员的拖尾系绳在太空中自由飘动。
- The trailing smoke from the chimney indicated that a fire was burning inside.
- 烟囱冒出的拖尾烟雾表明里面有火在燃烧。
- She wore a trailing dress that swept the floor as she walked.
- 她穿着一条拖地的裙子,走路时拖在地上。
- The trailing branches of the willow tree swayed gently in the breeze.
- 柳树下垂的枝条在微风中轻轻摇摆。
- His trailing laughter echoed through the empty hallway.
- 他拖拉的笑声在空荡的走廊中回荡。
- The trailing edge of the airplane wing was damaged in the storm.
- 飞机机翼的后缘在风暴中受损。
- The hiker's trailing backpack snagged on a branch.
- 徒步旅行者的拖尾背包被一根树枝绊住了。
- The trailing wires from the speakers needed to be secured to avoid tripping.
- 扬声器的拖尾电线需要固定以免绊倒。
- The trailing runner crossed the finish line moments after the winner.
- 拖后的选手在赢家之后瞬间越过终点线。
- The trailing team made an impressive comeback in the second half.
- 落后的队伍在下半场取得了令人印象深刻的回归。
- She left a trailing of broken hearts wherever she went.
- 无论她走到哪里,都留下了一串伤心人。
- The trailing car followed the suspect's vehicle at a safe distance.
- 尾随的车辆与嫌疑人的车辆保持着安全距离。