名词 1. modulation 2. 调制(术) 3. 调节(术) 4. 变调(术) 5. 调制方法 6. [音] 变调法 7. [无线电] 调频 8. [生理] 调节 9. [乐] 转调法 形容词 1. modulatory 2. 调制的 3. 变调的 4. [音] 转调的 5. [音] 变调的词语辨析:
modulation 与 demodulation 相对,demodulation 是调制信号还原成原始信号的过程。
modulation 与 demodulation 是通信中信号传输与接收的基本过程。
modulation 也可以指音乐中的调子的变化。
- NOUN 调节(术)
- NOUN [音] 转调法
- NOUN [无线电] 调频
- PHRASE 频率/相位/幅度调制
- NOUN 调制(术)
- NOUN [音] 转调法
- NOUN [无线电] 调频
1. The modulation of the radio signal allows for clear transmission. (无线电信号的调制使得信号传输更清晰。)
2. The modulation of the voice in the song adds emotion to the performance. (歌曲中声音的变调为表演增添了情感。)
3. Frequency modulation is commonly used in FM radio broadcasting. (调频广播常用频率调制。)
4. The modulatory effect of the drug helps regulate blood pressure. (药物的调节作用有助于调节血压。)
1. The modulation of the guitar's tone made the melody more dynamic.(吉他音色的变化使旋律更富有动感。)
2. The modulation of his voice conveyed a sense of sadness in the song.(他的声音变调在歌曲中传达了一种悲伤的感觉。)
3. Frequency modulation is commonly used in radio broadcasting to improve signal quality.(调频广播常用于提高信号质量。)
4. The drug has a modulatory effect on the immune system.(这种药物对免疫系统有调节作用。)
5. The modulation of the electric current in the circuit controls the output voltage.(电路中电流的调制控制着输出电压。)
6. The modulation of the dancer's movements captured the audience's attention.(舞者动作的变化吸引了观众的注意力。)
7. Phase modulation is a technique used in digital communication systems.(相位调制是数字通信系统中使用的一种技术。)
8. The modulatory properties of the drug help regulate neurotransmitter levels in the brain.(这种药物的调节特性有助于调节大脑中的神经递质水平。)
9. Amplitude modulation is a method commonly used in broadcasting.(幅度调制是广播中常用的一种方法。)
10. The modulation of the singer's voice added depth to the emotional lyrics.(歌手声音的变调为情感丰富的歌词增添了深度。)
11. The radio receiver performs demodulation to recover the original signal.(无线电接收机进行解调来恢复原始信号。)
12. The modulation of the light intensity created a soothing ambiance in the room.(光强的调节在房间里营造出一种舒缓的氛围。)
13. The digital modulation scheme allows for efficient data transmission.(数字调制方案可以实现高效的数据传输。)
14. The modulatory effect of the hormone regulates the body's metabolism.(激素的调节作用调节了身体的新陈代谢。)
15. The modulation of the sound effects enhanced the cinematic experience.(音效的变调增强了电影的观赏体验。)
16. The amplitude modulation technique is commonly used in analog television broadcasting.(幅度调制技术常用于模拟电视广播。)
17. The modulatory properties of the medication help alleviate pain.(这种药物的调节特性有助于缓解疼痛。)
18. The modulation of the instrument's pitch created a melodic harmony.(乐器音调的变化创造了一种旋律和谐。)
19. The digital modulation technique allows for reliable data transmission over long distances.(数字调制技术可以在长距离上实现可靠的数据传输。)
20. The modulatory effects of the neurotransmitter regulate neuronal activity in the brain.(神经递质的调节作用调节了大脑中的神经活动。)