1. rejected: 被拒绝的,被抛弃的
2. unacceptable: 不可接受的
1. rejects: 被拒绝的人/物
2. outcasts: 被社会排斥的人
rejects 和 outcasts 都表示被拒绝或排斥的人,但 outcasts 强调被社会排斥。
1. rejecter: 拒绝者
2. rejection: 拒绝,抛弃
3. rejectedness: 被拒绝的状态
4. rejectable: 可拒绝的
5. rejectment: 拒绝(行为)
decline, turn down, repudiate, spurn, disapprove, discard
accept, approve, embrace, welcome, adopt
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
rejects: plural noun
1. People or things that are rejects are considered to be of very poor quality.
例句:He had spent most of his school life as a reject.
rejected: adjective
Something that is rejected is not accepted, approved, or considered suitable.
例句:The government has decided to send back rejected asylum seekers.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
rejects: plural noun
1. Something that is rejected as imperfect or faulty.
例句:The rejects are sold off cheaply.
rejected: adjective
Dismissed as inadequate, unacceptable, or faulty.
例句:The rejected proposal was later revised and resubmitted.
1. The company's rejects are sent to a recycling facility.
2. She felt like a reject after being turned down by every university she applied to.
3. The rejected manuscript was not up to the publisher's standards.
4. The rejected candidate filed a complaint against the hiring committee.
5. He rejects any form of discrimination and promotes equality.
6. The reject pile contained all the defective products.
7. The rejected lover wandered the streets in despair.
8. The team captain chose to reject the referee's decision and argued for a replay.
- 他上学时大部分时间都是一个被拒绝的人。He had spent most of his school life as a reject.
- 政府决定遣返被拒绝的寻求庇护者。The government has decided to send back rejected asylum seekers.
- 这些次品被廉价出售。The rejects are sold off cheaply.
- 被拒绝的提案后来经过修改重新提交。The rejected proposal was later revised and resubmitted.
- 这家公司的次品被送到一个回收设施。The company's rejects are sent to a recycling facility.
- 她被每所她申请的大学拒绝后感到自己像个被抛弃的人。She felt like a reject after being turned down by every university she applied to.
- 被拒绝的手稿不符合出版商的标准。The rejected manuscript was not up to the publisher's standards.
- 被拒绝的候选人对招聘委员会提起了投诉。The rejected candidate filed a complaint against the hiring committee.
- 他拒绝任何形式的歧视,倡导平等。He rejects any form of discrimination and promotes equality.
- 弃用堆中包含所有有缺陷的产品。The reject pile contained all the defective products.
- 被拒绝的恋人绝望地在街上徘徊。The rejected lover wandered the streets in despair.
- 队长选择拒绝裁判的决定,并争论要重新比赛。The team captain chose to reject the referee's decision and argued for a replay.