- 闪光的,闪亮的
- 闪光,闪耀
glittery dress(闪亮的礼服)
glittery makeup(闪光的妆容)
- sparkling
- shiny
- glistening
- dull
- matte
- unpolished
glittery (adj.): Something that is glittery shines brightly and is often decorated with small, shiny pieces.
glittery (adj.): Full of or reflecting bright and dazzling light.
1. Her dress was covered in glittery sequins.(她的连衣裙上镶满了闪闪发光的亮片。)
2. The glittery snowflakes fell gently from the sky.(闪亮的雪花轻轻地从天空中飘落。)
1. The stage was set with glittery decorations for the concert.(舞台上布置了闪闪发光的装饰品,为音乐会做准备。)
2. She wore a glittery dress to the party and stood out from the crowd.(她穿着一件闪亮的礼服去参加派对,从人群中脱颖而出。)
3. The disco ball in the club cast glittery reflections on the dance floor.(俱乐部里的迪斯科球在舞池上投射出闪烁的光芒。)
4. The little girl's eyes sparkled with excitement as she opened her glittery birthday present.(当小女孩打开她闪亮的生日礼物时,她的眼睛充满了兴奋。)
5. They walked along the glittery beach, enjoying the sound of the waves and the feel of the sand between their toes.(他们沿着闪亮的海滩散步,享受着海浪的声音和脚趾间沙子的触感。)
6. The night sky was filled with glittery stars, creating a mesmerizing view.(夜空中布满了闪亮的星星,形成了令人陶醉的景象。)
7. Her glittery earrings caught the light and added a touch of glamour to her outfit.(她闪亮的耳环反射着光芒,为她的服装增添了一丝魅力。)
8. The ballroom was decorated with glittery streamers and balloons for the New Year's Eve party.(舞厅为新年派对装饰了闪闪发光的彩带和气球。)
9. She applied a layer of glittery nail polish to make her nails stand out.(她涂了一层闪亮的指甲油,使她的指甲更加显眼。)
10. The princess wore a beautiful gown with glittery embroidery for the royal banquet.(公主穿着一件镶有闪亮刺绣的漂亮礼服参加皇家宴会。)
11. The Christmas tree was adorned with glittery ornaments and twinkling lights.(圣诞树上装饰着闪亮的饰品和闪烁的灯光。)
12. The disco party was a success with its glittery disco balls and energetic music.(迪斯科派对以其闪亮的迪斯科球和充满活力的音乐取得了成功。)
13. The glittery makeup made her look like a fairy princess.(闪亮的妆容让她看起来像一个仙女公主。)
14. He bought her a pair of glittery shoes for her birthday, knowing how much she loved sparkly things.(他给她买了一双闪亮的鞋子作为生日礼物,因为他知道她非常喜欢闪闪发光的东西。)
15. The fireworks painted the sky with glittery colors on New Year's Eve.(新年除夕,烟花用闪亮的色彩点缀了天空。)
16. The actress wore a glittery gown that shimmered under the stage lights.(女演员穿着一件在舞台灯光下闪烁的闪亮礼服。)
17. The little girl's eyes lit up when she saw the glittery cupcakes on the dessert table.(小女孩看到甜点桌上的闪亮杯糕时眼睛亮了起来。)
18. The glittery snow added a magical touch to the winter landscape.(闪亮的雪为冬季风景增添了一丝魔力。)
19. The bride wore a glittery tiara in her hair, completing her bridal look.(新娘头发上戴着一顶闪亮的头饰,完成了她的婚纱造型。)
20. The singer's glittery costume shimmered as she danced across the stage.(歌手闪亮的服装在她跳舞时闪闪发光。)