1. licensed [特指已被授权的,持有牌照的] - having official permission to do or own something.
2. unlicensed [特指未经授权的,没有许可的] - not having official permission to do or own something.
1. license [特指执照,许可证] - an official document that gives you permission to do, use, or own something.
2. driving license [特指驾驶执照] - an official document that gives you permission to drive a vehicle.
3. software license [特指软件许可证] - a legal agreement that allows you to use a software program.
4. broadcasting license [特指广播许可证] - a document that allows a person or organization to broadcast radio or television programs.
1. license vs permit - Both refer to official permission, but a license often implies a more formal or professional authorization, while a permit is usually for a specific activity or temporary use.
2. license vs certificate - A license typically refers to permission granted by a government or authority, while a certificate is a document stating that someone has completed a course or achieved a certain level of proficiency.
1. driver's license - a document that allows a person to drive a motor vehicle legally.
2. liquor license - an official permit to sell alcoholic beverages.
3. professional license - a document that grants permission to practice a specific profession, such as medicine or law.
4. fishing license - a permit that allows someone to fish legally.
1. permit - grant authorization or permission to.
2. privilege - a special right or advantage granted to a particular person or group.
3. authorization - the act of giving official permission or approval.
1. ban - officially or legally prohibit.
2. prohibit - formally forbid by law, rule, or other authority.
licenses (noun) - plural of license
license (noun)
1. A license is an official document which gives you permission to do, use, or own something.
2. If you have a license to drive a vehicle, you have an official document which says that you may drive one.
3. If a person or company is granted a license to do something, they are given official permission to do it.
4. License is also a verb.
license (verb)
1. If a person or company is licensed to do something, they have been given official permission to do it.
licenses (noun) - plural of license
license (noun)
1. An official document, license is used to prove that a particular activity is allowed by law.
2. A license can also refer to a certificate or permit.
license (verb)
1. To grant someone a license means to give official permission for them to do, have, or own something.
2. To be licensed means to have official permission to do a particular activity.
3. To license something means to give official permission for it to be done, used, or produced.
1. She applied for a license to sell alcohol in her restaurant.
2. In order to operate a taxi, you need a valid driving license.
3. The software license agreement restricts the use of the program to a single computer.
4. The radio station was granted a broadcasting license by the regulatory authority.
- He holds a licensed gun for self-defense. 他持有一把合法的枪支用于自卫。
- The bar was shut down for selling alcohol without an unlicensed license. 这家酒吧因未持有合法许可证售卖酒精而被关闭。
- She obtained a license to practice law in the state. 她获得了在该州执业律师的许可证。
- You must have a valid driving license to rent a car. 租车时必须持有有效的驾照。
- The software license allows you to install the program on up to five computers. 软件许可证允许您在最多五台计算机上安装该程序。
- The company applied for a broadcasting license to start their own TV channel. 公司申请了一份广播许可证以开设自己的电视频道。
- You will need a fishing license if you want to fish in this lake. 如果你想在这个湖里钓鱼,你需要一张钓鱼许可证。
- He has a driver's license that allows him to operate commercial vehicles. 他有一张允许他驾驶商用车辆的驾照。
- The bar was fined for serving alcohol without a valid liquor license. 这家酒吧因未持有有效的酒水许可证而被罚款。
- Before practicing medicine, doctors must obtain a professional license. 医生在行医前必须获得执业许可证。
- The government suspended the license of the construction company due to safety violations. 政府因安全违规暂停了该建筑公司的许可证。
- He was found guilty of driving without a license and was fined. 他因驾驶时没有驾照被判有罪并被罚款。
- She successfully passed the license exam and became a certified accountant. 她成功通过了执照考试,成为一名注册会计师。
- The government decided to license the production of medical marijuana. 政府决定批准生产医用大麻。
- The city council voted to license street vendors in the downtown area. 市议会投票决定在市中心地区批准街头摊贩经营。
- The artist has licensed the reproduction rights of his paintings to a publishing company. 这位艺术家把他的绘画复制权授权给了一家出版公司。
- They had to obtain a license to import the new technology from abroad. 他们必须获得一项进口新技术的许可证。
- His license as a private detective was revoked due to misconduct. 由于不当行为,他的私家侦探执照被吊销了。
- She had to renew her license to operate a daycare center. 她必须续订她经营托儿所的执照。
- The company is looking to license its patented technology to other manufacturers. 公司正在寻求将其专利技术授权给其他制造商。
- He was given a license to operate a food truck in the city park. 他获得了在市公园经营移动食品车的许可证。