blaspheme [blæs'fiːm] (动词)
- 亵渎,对神明进行亵渎性言辞或行为
- 亵渎,对宗教信仰或圣物进行亵渎性言辞或行为
- 诽谤,诋毁,对神明、宗教或圣人进行诽谤或诋毁
blasphemous [ˈblæsfəməs] (形容词)
- 亵渎的,亵渎神明或宗教信仰的
- 诽谤的,诋毁神明、宗教或圣人的
blasphemy [ˈblæsfəmi] (名词)
- 亵渎,对神明的亵渎行为或言论
- 亵渎,对宗教信仰或圣物的亵渎行为或言论
- 诽谤,诋毁神明、宗教或圣人的行为或言论
blaspheme 是一个动词,用于表示对神明或宗教信仰进行亵渎性言辞或行为。而 blasphemous 是形容词形式,用于描述亵渎神明或宗教信仰的言辞或行为。 blasphemy 则是对亵渎行为或言论的名词化。
- heresy [ˈherəsi] (名词):异端邪说,违背正统宗教信仰的观点或行为
- sacrilege [ˈsækrɪlɪdʒ] (名词):亵渎,对圣物或神圣之物的亵渎行为或言论
- profane [prəˈfeɪn] (动词):亵渎,亵渎神明或圣物
- desecrate [ˈdɛsɪkreɪt] (动词):亵渎,对圣地、圣物或神圣之物进行亵渎行为
- revile [rɪˈvaɪl] (动词):辱骂,恶言相向
- revere [rɪˈvɪər] (动词):尊敬,敬畏
blaspheme (verb)
- If someone blasphemes, they say rude or disrespectful things about God or religion.
- If you say that someone blasphemes, you mean that they speak in a way that shows they do not respect God or religion.
blasphemous (adjective)
- If you describe something as blasphemous, you are indicating that it is disrespectful or offensive, especially towards God or religion.
blaspheme (verb)
- Speak irreverently about God or sacred things.
blasphemous (adjective)
- Showing a lack of respect for God or sacred things.
blaspheme 和 blasphemous 可用于描述对神明、宗教信仰或圣物的亵渎行为或言论。例如:
- He was arrested for blaspheming against the church.
- The comedian's blasphemous jokes offended many religious people.
blasphemy 是指亵渎行为或言论的名词化。例如:
- His words were considered a blasphemy by the religious community.
- The man was arrested for blaspheming in the church. 这个人因在教堂中亵渎被逮捕。
- Her blasphemous remarks offended the entire congregation. 她的亵渎性言论冒犯了整个教会。
- The novel was criticized for its blasphemous portrayal of religious figures. 这部小说因对宗教人物的亵渎描写而受到批评。
- He was accused of blasphemy against the Prophet. 他被指控亵渎先知。
- The film was condemned by religious groups for its blasphemous content. 这部电影因其亵渎性内容而遭到宗教团体的谴责。
- His blasphemy was seen as a direct attack on the church. 他的亵渎行为被视为对教会的直接攻击。
- She was shocked by the blasphemous language used in the play. 她对该剧中使用的亵渎性语言感到震惊。
- The artist's painting was considered a blasphemy by some religious groups. 这位艺术家的绘画作品被一些宗教团体视为亵渎。
- He was accused of blaspheming against the sacred text. 他被指控对圣典进行亵渎。
- The court ruled that the book did not constitute blasphemy. 法庭裁定该书并非亵渎性作品。
- Her blasphemous comments caused a major controversy. 她的亵渎性评论引发了一场重大争议。
- The comedian's blasphemous jokes offended many people in the audience. 这位喜剧演员的亵渎性笑话冒犯了观众中的许多人。
- She was criticized for her blasphemous remarks about the prophet. 她因对先知发表的亵渎性言论而受到批评。
- He was arrested for blaspheming during the religious ceremony. 他在宗教仪式期间发表亵渎言论而被逮捕。
- The film was banned in several countries due to its blasphemous content. 该电影因其亵渎性内容在几个国家被禁。
- The author's blasphemy against the church sparked a heated debate. 该作者对教会的亵渎引发了一场激烈的辩论。
- The student was reprimanded for his blasphemous comments about the school's founder. 这名学生因对学校创始人发表的亵渎性评论受到训斥。
- She was accused of blasphemy after questioning the existence of God. 她因质疑上帝的存在而被指控亵渎。
- His blasphemous statements were met with outrage from religious leaders. 宗教领袖对他的亵渎性言论感到愤怒。
- The musician's song was considered a blasphemy by some religious groups. 这位音乐家的歌曲被一些宗教团体视为亵渎。
- He was arrested for blaspheming against the holy book. 他因亵渎圣书而被逮捕。