idiomatic [ˌɪdiəˈmætɪk]1. (指语言、表达方式等) 符合习惯用法的,地道的
2. (指艺术作品等) 充满特色的,独特的
1. He speaks idiomatic English with a local accent. 他以当地的口音讲地道的英语。
2. The author's writing style is highly idiomatic. 这位作家的写作风格非常独特。
idiom [ˈɪdiəm]1. (语言) 成语,习语
2. (艺术、音乐等方面的) 风格,特色
3. (特定群体中的) 惯用语,行话
1. "Break a leg" is an idiom commonly used in the theater. “祝你好运”是剧院中常用的习语。
2. Jazz music has its own unique idioms. 爵士音乐有其独特的风格。
idiomatic expression [ˌɪdiəˌmætɪk ɪkˈsprɛʃən](语言) 成语表达,习语
idiomaticity [ˌɪdiəəˈmætɪsɪti]
(语言) 成语性,习语性
phrase [freɪz](语言) 短语,词组
1. "A piece of cake" is a common English phrase. “Piece of cake”是英语中常用的短语。
2. The teacher asked the students to create a sentence using the given phrase. 老师要求学生使用给定的词组造句。
literal [ˈlɪtərəl](意义) 字面上的,直接的
1. The phrase "break a leg" is not meant to be taken literally. 短语“祝你好运”并非字面上的意思。
2. The literal meaning of the word "dog" is a domesticated carnivorous mammal. “dog”这个词的字面意思是一种驯养的食肉哺乳动物。
idiom [ˈɪdiəm]noun
1. A group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual words.
2. A style or form of artistic expression that is characteristic of a particular individual, period, or movement.
3. A characteristic style of language or vocabulary that is used by a particular group of people, especially when it is different from the standard language used by most people.
1. The meaning of an idiom is not always predictable. 成语的意思并非总是可预测的。
2. Picasso's Blue Period is a famous idiom in his artistic career. 毕加索的蓝色时期是他艺术生涯中的一个著名风格。
3. The police officer used idioms that were unfamiliar to the suspect. 警察使用了嫌疑犯不熟悉的行话。
idiom [ˈɪdiəm]noun
1. A group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words (e.g., rain cats and dogs, see the light).
2. A form of expression that is natural to a native speaker of a language.
3. A characteristic mode of expression in music or art.
1. English idioms can be challenging for non-native speakers to understand. 英语的习语对于非母语使用者来说很有挑战性。
2. The idiom of Shakespeare's plays is different from modern English. 莎士比亚戏剧的表达方式与现代英语不同。
3. The artist's use of color is a distinctive idiom in her paintings. 这位艺术家对色彩的运用是她画作中独特的风格。