state [形容词]1. 国家的,州的,邦的。
2. 官方的,正式的,正当的。
3. (人)精神恍惚的,精神错乱的。
4. 严重的,严厉的,严格的。
5. 重要的,显要的,庄重的。
6. 高贵的,顶级的,一流的。
state [名词]1. 状态,情况,形势。
2. 国家,邦,州。
3. 政府,政权,政体。
4. (人的)身份,地位。
5. (机器、设备等的)状况,状态。
6. 要素,特性,特征。
7. 领域,范畴,方面。
- state 和government:state强调国家作为一个整体的概念,包括政府、人民、领土等方面;而government则侧重于国家的治理机构和行政系统。 - state 和nation:
state强调一个独立政治实体,具有政府和领土;而nation则更强调共同的文化、语言、历史等因素来定义一个群体。 - state 和condition:
- statesman [名词]:政治家,政治家,政治家。 - statehood [名词]:国家地位,国家地位,国家的状态。 - stately [形容词]:庄严的,庄重的,雄伟的。 - stateless [形容词]:无国籍的,无国籍的。 - statecraft [名词]:治国术,治国术,政治手腕。近义词
- condition [名词]:状况,状态,状态。 - situation [名词]:情况,形势,状况。 - status [名词]:地位,状况,状态。 - circumstance [名词]:情况,环境,条件。 - position [名词]:位置,职位,地位。反义词
- anarchy [名词]:无政府状态,混乱,无政府状态。 - disorder [名词]:混乱,无序,失调。 - chaos [名词]:混乱,混乱,混乱。 - unrest [名词]:动荡,不安,骚乱。 - disarray [名词]:混乱,无秩序,杂乱。柯林斯词典
state [名词]1. A state is a politically organized area that has its own government.
2. The state of a country is its political system and the people in power at a particular time.
3. The state of a person or society is their general condition or situation.
4. If you refer to the state of something, you mean the condition that it is in, especially how good or bad its condition is.
state [动词]
1. If you state something, you say or write it in a formal or definite way.
2. If you state that something is the case, you say or write it in a formal or definite way.
state [形容词]
1. State institutions or organizations are ones that are officially recognized or controlled by a government.
2. You use state to describe attitudes or feelings that are officially recognized or considered to be suitable at a particular time.
state [名词]1. The particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time.
2. A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government.
3. The legislature or the government of a country.
4. A specified political regime.
5. The overall status of someone or something at a particular time.
state [动词]
1. Express something definitely or clearly in speech or writing.
2. Declare oneself to be.
3. (of a system, organization, or building) publicly declare to be in a particular condition or be of a particular type.
state [形容词]
1. Used or done on ceremonial or formal occasions.
2. Relating to a nation or to the government of a nation.
3. Used in names of bodies of troops stationed in a particular place.
4. In one of the former Soviet republics.
5. In a condition of physical or mental weariness.
- I'm in a bad state right now.(我现在心情糟糕。) - The state of the economy is improving.(经济状况正在改善。) - The country declared itself an independent state.(该国宣布独立。) - The government is responsible for the welfare of the state.(政府对国家的福利负责。) - The factory is in a dilapidated state.(工厂状况破旧。) - He is in a confused state of mind.(他精神恍惚。) - The president delivered a state of the union address.(总统发表了一篇国情咨文。) - The company is facing financial state of emergency.(公司面临财政紧急状态。) - The patient's state of health has improved.(病人的健康状况有所改善。) - The state of the art technology is used in this device.(该设备采用了最先进的技术。) - She has a high state of self-confidence.(她自信心很强。) - The queen made a state visit to the neighboring country.(女王对邻国进行了国事访问。) - He is a respected statesman in the international community.(他是国际社会上备受尊敬的政治家。) - The country achieved statehood in 1947.(这个国家于1947年获得了国家地位。) - The mansion has a stately appearance.(这座大厦外观庄严。) - Many refugees are living in a stateless condition.(许多难民处于无国籍状态。) - The politician is known for his statecraft skills.(这位政治家以其治国术而闻名。)中英双语例句
1. The country's educational system is in a poor state.这个国家的教育体系状况不佳。 2. The state of emergency was declared after the earthquake.
地震发生后宣布了紧急状态。 3. He is a well-respected statesman in international politics.
他是国际政坛备受尊敬的政治家。 4. The state government is responsible for public services.
州政府负责公共服务。 5. The patient's state of health has improved significantly.
病人的健康状况显著改善。 6. The state visit of the president strengthened diplomatic relations.
总统的国事访问加强了外交关系。 7. The company is in a state of crisis and needs immediate action.
公司处于危机状态,需要立即采取行动。 8. The state of the art technology is used in this new smartphone.
这款新智能手机采用了最先进的技术。 9. The country achieved statehood in 1950 and became an independent nation.
该国于1950年获得了国家地位,并成为一个独立的国家。 10. The athlete was in a state of exhaustion after the intense race.
这位运动员在紧张的比赛后精疲力尽。 11. The state lottery offers a chance to win a large sum of money.
国家彩票提供了赢取巨额奖金的机会。 12. The state-owned company is the largest employer in the city.
这家国有企业是该市最大的雇主。 13. The state of the economy is a major concern for the government.
经济状况是政府的主要关注点。 14. The leaders discussed the state of bilateral relations.
领导人讨论了双边关系的状况。 15. The country is in a state of political turmoil.
这个国家处于政治动荡的状态。 16. The company is in a financially stable state.
该公司处于财务稳定状态。 17. They are in a state of shock after hearing the news.
他们听到这个消息后都处于震惊状态。 18. The state government passed a new law to protect the environment.
州政府通过了一项新法律来保护环境。 19. The state of the art facility is equipped with the latest technology.
这个最先进的设施配备了最新的技术。 20. The patient's state of mind greatly influences their recovery.