1. 独有的;唯一的:
exclusive (adj.): not shared with others; single or sole
- This club is exclusive to members only.(这个俱乐部只对会员开放。)
- She has exclusive rights to publish the author's books.(她独家拥有出版该作者的图书的权利。)
2. 高级的;豪华的:
exclusive (adj.): limited to a select group; fashionable or luxurious
- The boutique sells exclusive designer clothing.(这家精品店销售独家设计师服装。)
- They stayed in an exclusive resort during their vacation.(他们在度假期间住在一家高级度假村。)
3. 排外的;排他的:
exclusive (adj.): excluding or not admitting others; restrictive or limited
- Some people have an exclusive attitude towards people from different cultures.(有些人对来自不同文化的人持有排外的态度。)
- The club has exclusive membership requirements.(这个俱乐部有排他的会员要求。)
1. 独家新闻(或报道):
exclusive (n.): a news story or report that is published or broadcast by only one source
- The journalist managed to get an exclusive on the celebrity's wedding.(记者设法独家报道了这位名人的婚礼。)
- The magazine featured an exclusive interview with the famous actor.(该杂志刊登了与这位著名演员的独家专访。)
exclusive, sole, only
- exclusive: 强调某物是与其他事物不同、独立存在的。
- sole: 含义最为狭窄,指的是唯一一个,没有其他的。
- only: 含义相对宽泛,指的是在一系列中的唯一一项。
1. exclusively (adv.): only; solely
2. exclusivity (n.): the state of being exclusive
3. exclusiveness (n.): the quality of being exclusive
1. unique (adj.): being the only one of its kind; exclusive
2. select (adj.): carefully chosen; exclusive
3. privileged (adj.): having special rights or advantages; exclusive
inclusive (adj.): including everything or everyone; not exclusive
exclusive (adj.)
If you describe something as exclusive, you mean that it is limited to people who have a lot of money or who belong to a high social class, and is therefore not available to everyone.
Collins COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary
exclusive (adj.)
Excluding or not admitting other things.
Oxford Languages
1. exclusive + to
- This offer is exclusive to our loyal customers.(这个优惠只针对我们的忠实顾客。)
- The event is exclusive to invited guests.(这个活动只对受邀的嘉宾开放。)
2. exclusive + of
- The contract is exclusive of any additional fees.(合同不包括任何额外费用。)
- This offer is exclusive of tax.(这个优惠不含税。)
3. exclusive + on
- The journalist got an exclusive on the celebrity scandal.(该记者独家报道了这位名人的丑闻。)
- The newspaper has an exclusive on the political scandal.(这家报纸对这起政治丑闻有独家报道。)
- The exclusive club only admits members with a personal invitation.(这个高级俱乐部只接受个人邀请的会员。)
- He owns an exclusive collection of rare stamps.(他拥有一套独一无二的珍稀邮票。)
- The brand launched an exclusive collaboration with a famous fashion designer.(这个品牌与一位著名时尚设计师推出了独家合作。)
- She enjoys the exclusivity of being the only employee with access to certain confidential information.(她享受成为唯一能够接触某些机密信息的员工所带来的独特待遇。)
- The company has an exclusive contract with the artist, prohibiting others from selling her artwork.(该公司与艺术家签订了独家合同,禁止他人销售她的作品。)
- The exclusive interview with the CEO revealed new insights about the company's future plans.(与首席执行官的独家专访揭示了该公司未来计划的新见解。)
- Only a select few were invited to the exclusive premiere of the highly anticipated film.(只有少数精选人士受邀参加了备受期待的电影的独家首映。)
- They spent their vacation at an exclusive beach resort in the Caribbean.(他们在加勒比海的一家高级海滩度假村度过了假期。)
- The exclusive nature of the club attracts wealthy and influential individuals.(这个俱乐部的排他性质吸引了富有和有影响力的人士。)
- Her exclusive focus on her career led to neglecting her personal life.(她对事业的专注导致她忽视了个人生活。)
- He felt excluded and resented their exclusive group.(他感到被排除在外,并对他们的排他小圈子感到愤恨。)
- The exclusive use of this room is reserved for VIP guests.(这个房间的专属使用权为贵宾客人保留。)
- They signed an exclusive distribution agreement with a major international company.(他们与一家国际大公司签订了独家分销协议。)
- The fashion show was an exclusive event attended by top designers and celebrities.(这场时装秀是一次只有顶级设计师和名人参加的独家活动。)
- She enjoys the exclusivity of owning a limited edition luxury handbag.(她享受拥有限量版奢侈手袋的独特待遇。)
- His exclusive control over the company's finances raised concerns among the board members.(他对公司财务的独家控制引起了董事会成员的关注。)
- The exclusive sale of concert tickets caused frustration among fans who were unable to purchase them.(音乐会门票的独家销售让无法购票的粉丝感到沮丧。)
- The exclusive rights to distribute the film were acquired by a major studio.(一家大型影视公司获得了该电影的独家发行权。)
- They entered into an exclusive partnership to develop innovative technology.(他们达成独家合作伙伴关系,共同开发创新技术。)
- The magazine published an exclusive feature on the rising star of the music industry.(该杂志刊登了一篇关于音乐界新星的独家专题报道。)
- The company offers exclusive discounts to its loyal customers.(该公司为忠实顾客提供独家折扣。)