形容词- 负担重的,极其沉重的
- 担负责任的,负重的
- 受到压力的,感到累赘的
- 负担,重担
- 责任,义务
- burdened with sth: 被...所压垮
- burdened by sth: 因...而感到沉重
- burdened by debt: 负债累累
- burdened heart: 感到沉重的心情
weighted, loaded, encumbered, oppressed
unburdened, relieved, unencumbered
burdened [adjective]
- If someone is burdened with things or people, they have to carry or look after them, and they consider this to be a heavy responsibility or a nuisance.
- If someone is burdened by problems or emotions, they are worried by them.
- If someone is burdened by an illness, it affects them severely and makes their life difficult.
burdened [adjective]
- Heavily loaded or weighed down.
- Having a heavy load mentally, especially with something difficult or worrying.
- Having a heavy load physically, especially with something difficult to carry.
- She felt burdened with the responsibility of caring for her younger siblings. (她感到肩负照顾弟妹的责任压力很重。)
- He looked burdened and exhausted after a long day at work. (他一天工作下来,看起来既疲倦又心力交瘁。)
- The country is burdened by high unemployment rates. (这个国家面临着高失业率的负担。)
- She is burdened with debt and struggling to make ends meet. (她身负债务,为了维持生计而苦苦挣扎。)
- The burdened camel slowly made its way through the desert. (负重的骆驼在沙漠中缓慢前行。)
- His burdened heart prevented him from enjoying the simple pleasures in life. (他心情沉重,无法享受生活中的简单乐趣。)
- The burdened truck struggled to climb the steep hill. (负载沉重的卡车在爬坡时艰难前行。)
- She felt burdened by the weight of expectations placed on her. (她感到被寄予的期望压得喘不过气来。)
- Despite being burdened with problems, he always manages to stay positive. (尽管承担着很多问题,他总能保持积极的态度。)
- The burdened mother of three struggled to balance her work and family life. (这位有三个孩子的母亲努力平衡工作和家庭生活。)
- He felt burdened with guilt for not being able to attend his friend's wedding. (由于无法参加朋友的婚礼,他感到内疚不已。)
- The burdened student carried a heavy backpack filled with textbooks. (负重的学生背着装满教科书的沉重背包。)
- She was burdened by the weight of responsibility as the CEO of a large company. (作为一家大公司的首席执行官,她肩负着沉重的责任。)
- His burdened mind couldn't find peace even in moments of solitude. (即使在独处的时刻,他沉重的心灵也无法得到宁静。)
- The burdened farmer struggled to harvest the crops before the storm arrived. (负重的农民在暴风雨来临之前努力收获庄稼。)
- She felt burdened and overwhelmed by the demands of her demanding job. (她对要求很高的工作感到沉重和不堪重负。)
- Being burdened with debt, he had to take on a second job to make ends meet. (由于负债累累,他不得不找份第二份工作来维持生计。)
- The burdened ship struggled to stay afloat in the rough sea. (负载沉重的船只在汹涌的海面上挣扎着保持浮游。)
- She felt burdened by the weight of the world on her shoulders. (她感到肩负着整个世界的重担。)
- His burdened conscience prevented him from finding peace. (他内心的负罪感使他无法得到宁静。)
- He appeared burdened and downtrodden as he walked through the crowded streets. (他走过拥挤的街道时,显得沉重和被压迫。)