1. 闲散的;懒散的英文释义:lazy or avoiding work; not busy or occupied
例句:He is an idler who spends all day playing video games.
他是一个整天玩电子游戏的懒鬼。 2. 空转的;无效的
英文释义:rotating without doing useful work; ineffective
例句:The car's engine was running but the wheels were idler.
1. 游手好闲者;懒人英文释义:a person who is lazy or avoids work
例句:The idler sat on the park bench, doing nothing all day.
那个懒人整天坐在公园的长凳上,无所事事。 2. 空转轮
英文释义:a wheel that rotates without doing useful work
例句:The mechanic replaced the worn-out idler in the engine.
其他相关词汇:1. lazy(形容词):懒散的,偷懒的
2. loafer(名词):游手好闲者,懒汉
3. shirker(名词):逃避工作者,推卸责任者
4. slouch(名词):懒散的人,懒汉
5. layabout(名词):懒汉,游手好闲者
1. loafer2. slacker
3. sluggard
4. drone
5. laggard
1. hard worker2. industrious
3. diligent
4. go-getter
5. achiever
idler (noun)1. A person who avoids work or spends their time doing nothing.
2. A wheel or pulley that rotates freely and does not transmit motion.
idler (noun)1. A person who avoids work; a lazy or indolent person.
2. A wheel or other rotating part that is not connected to the machinery it drives.
1. The factory fired all the idlers who were not contributing to the production process.工厂解雇了所有对生产过程没有贡献的懒人。 2. The idler pulley needs to be replaced as it is causing the belt to slip.
需要更换空转轮,因为它导致皮带打滑。 3. He is known as an idler because he never takes on any responsibilities.
他因从不承担责任而被称为懒汉。 4. The idler spent his day lounging on the couch, watching TV.
懒人整天懒散地躺在沙发上看电视。 5. The engine idler is responsible for maintaining tension in the belt.
发动机的空转轮负责保持皮带的张力。 6. Stop being an idler and start being productive.
别再做懒汉了,开始高效率工作吧。 7. The idler stood by, watching others do the work.
懒汉站在一旁看别人工作。 8. The idler's behavior was met with disapproval by his colleagues.
同事们对懒汉的行为表示不满。 9. The idler claimed to be too tired to help, but everyone knew he was just lazy.
懒汉声称太累了不能帮忙,但大家都知道他只是懒。 10. The idler wasted his potential by never applying himself to anything.
懒汉因从不专注于任何事情而浪费了自己的潜力。 11. The idler spent his inheritance on a life of leisure.
懒汉将遗产花在了闲逸的生活上。 12. The idler's lack of motivation was evident in his lackluster performance.
懒汉缺乏动力,表现平平无奇。 13. The idler's presence in the office was seen as disruptive to the productive atmosphere.
懒汉的存在被视为破坏了办公室的高效工作氛围。 14. The idler's constant procrastination led to missed deadlines.
懒汉经常拖延导致了错过了截止日期。 15. The idler's lack of ambition held him back from achieving success.
懒汉缺乏雄心壮志,阻碍了他取得成功。 16. The idler's laziness resulted in him losing his job.
懒汉因懒散失去了工作。 17. The idler's lack of motivation was a source of frustration for his colleagues.
懒汉缺乏动力让同事们感到沮丧。 18. The idler's unwillingness to contribute caused tension within the team.
懒汉不愿贡献导致团队内部紧张。 19. The idler's apathy towards his responsibilities led to a decline in performance.
懒汉对责任的冷漠导致绩效下降。 20. The idler's lack of ambition was reflected in his mediocre results.