中英词典 - dose
1. dose- 中文翻译:剂量的
- 英文释义:the quantity of a medicine or drug taken or recommended to be taken at a particular time
1. dose- 中文翻译:剂量
- 英文释义:a quantity of a medicine or drug taken or recommended to be taken at a particular time
- 中文翻译:一次服用
- 英文释义:a quantity of a substance, especially a drug, taken or recommended to be taken at one time
quantity, amount, portion
dose (名词):A dose is a quantity of a medicine or drug that is taken once, or regularly over a period of time.
dose (名词):A quantity of a medicine or drug taken or recommended to be taken at a particular time.
1. Take the recommended dose of this medication.
2. The doctor prescribed a high dose of antibiotics.
3. The dose of painkillers should not exceed the recommended limit.
- He takes a dose of vitamins every morning. 他每天早上服用一剂维生素。
- The recommended dose for adults is 500mg. 成人的推荐剂量是500毫克。
- She accidentally took a double dose of the medication. 她不小心服用了双倍剂量的药物。
- The doctor prescribed a large dose of antibiotics to combat the infection. 医生开了一大剂抗生素来对抗感染。
- He needs a dose of reality to understand the seriousness of the situation. 他需要面对现实,才能理解这种情况的严重性。
- It's important to take the correct dose of medication as prescribed by your doctor. 按照医生的处方正确服用药物非常重要。
- The dose of painkillers should be adjusted based on the severity of the pain. 镇痛药的剂量应根据疼痛的严重程度进行调整。
- She received a dose of radiation therapy to treat her cancer. 她接受了一次放射治疗来治疗癌症。
- He took a small dose of sleeping pills to help him fall asleep. 他服用了少量的安眠药帮助入睡。
- The recommended dose for children is half of the adult dosage. 儿童的推荐剂量是成人剂量的一半。
- The doctor adjusted the dose of the medication based on the patient's weight. 医生根据患者的体重调整了药物的剂量。
- She accidentally ingested a toxic dose of a cleaning product. 她不小心摄入了一种有毒的清洁剂。
- The dose of the vaccine is administered through an injection. 疫苗的剂量通过注射给予。
- He took a dose of cough syrup to relieve his symptoms. 他服用了一剂止咳糖浆来缓解症状。
- The dose of the medication should be taken with food to avoid stomach upset. 药物的剂量应该在饭后服用,以避免胃部不适。
- She needs a higher dose of medication to effectively manage her condition. 她需要更高剂量的药物来有效控制她的病情。
- The dose of radiation used in the treatment is carefully calculated. 治疗中使用的放射剂量经过仔细计算。
- He accidentally took an overdose of the medication. 他不小心服用了过量的药物。
- The doctor prescribed a daily dose of vitamins to improve his overall health. 医生开了每天一次的维生素剂量来改善他的整体健康。
- She needs a higher dose of motivation to complete the project. 她需要更高的动力来完成这个项目。
- The dose of the drug should be adjusted based on the patient's age and weight. 药物的剂量应根据患者的年龄和体重进行调整。