名词 (Noun)
1. 方面; 一方
side (n.) - a particular aspect or feature of something
one side of - 在…方面
on the one side - 在一方面
on the other side - 在另一方面
2. 边; 侧
side (n.) - a position to the left or right of an object, place, or central point
on the side - 侧面地;旁边地
by the side of - 在…旁边
on either side - 在两边
on one side - 在一侧
on the other side - 在另一侧
3. 队伍; 一方; 一队
side (n.) - one of the opposing groups or teams in a game or competition
both sides - 双方
the other side - 对方
on the winning/losing side - 在胜利/失败一方
形容词 (Adjective)
1. 边的; 侧面的; 旁边的
side (adj.) - of, at, or from the side or sides
side by side - 并排地;一起
on the side - 旁边的;额外的
2. 隐藏的; 不公开的
side (adj.) - not directly stated or shown
on the quiet side - 保持低调
词语辨析 (Word Differentiation)
side vs edge
side - a position to the left or right of an object or a particular aspect of something
edge - the outside limit of an object, a surface, or an area; the line or part where an object or area begins or ends
近义词 (Synonyms)
side - flank, aspect, facet
反义词 (Antonyms)
side - center, middle
柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
- the left or right part of the body of a human or animal
- one of the surfaces forming the outside of an object, or one of the lines bounding a geometric figure
- a surface or piece, as opposed to the face
- being on one side only
- turned or directed toward one side
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
- a position to the left or right of an object, place, or central point
- a border or edge
- a lateral part or surface of an object that is not the main one
- of, at, or from the side or sides
- not directly stated or shown; incidental
用法 (Usage)
1. 表示方面的含义时,常与介词“on”连用,如“on one side”,“on the other side”。
2. 表示边、侧面的含义时,常与介词“by”、“on”连用,如“by the side of”。
3. 表示队伍、一方的含义时,常与介词“on”连用,如“on the winning/losing side”。
4. 表示隐藏的、不公开的含义时,常与介词“on”连用,如“on the quiet side”。
5. 形容词用法时,常与介词“on”、“by”连用,如“on the side”、“side by side”。
例句 (Example Sentences)
- On the one side, it's a great opportunity, but on the other side, it's a huge risk.
在一方面,这是一个很好的机会,但在另一方面,这是一个巨大的风险。 - The company is considering the financial side of the project.
公司正在考虑这个项目的财务方面。 - The environmental side of the issue has been completely ignored.
这个问题的环境方面完全被忽视了。 - He stood on the side of the road, waiting for the bus.
他站在路边等公交车。 - Please park your car on the right side of the street.
请将您的车停在街道的右侧。 - There were trees on either side of the path.
小路两旁都有树。 - Which side are you supporting in the football match?
你支持哪一方在这场足球比赛中? - The negotiations have been difficult, but both sides are making progress.
谈判一直很困难,但双方都在取得进展。 - She always cheers for the winning side.
她总是为胜利方加油打气。 - She parked her car on the side street.
她把车停在了侧街。 - They walked side by side along the beach.
他们并排在沙滩上走着。 - He works as a waiter on the side to earn extra money.
他兼职当服务员以赚取额外的钱。 - He gave me a side glance to indicate that he didn't want to talk about it.
他瞥了我一眼,表示他不想谈论这个。 - She kept her true feelings on the quiet side.
她保持了低调,没有表露出真实的感受。 - The book was on the edge of the table, almost falling off.
书放在桌子的边缘,差点掉下来。 - He stood at the side of the stage, waiting for his cue to enter.