1. 不可靠的;靠不住的 2. 不能容忍的;不可接受的词语辨析
- bukejin: 不可近 (不可靠近) - bukedao: 不可到 (不可靠到)近义词
buqiang (不强)反义词
kekeneng (可靠)名词
1. 不可克服的困难词语辨析
- bukezhong (不可忍):不可容忍的情况近义词
nanhuo (难活)反义词
kefu (可服)柯林斯词典
buoke (不可靠) 形容词 1. 不可靠的;靠不住的。例句:他是一个buoke de ren,从来不按时完成任务。(He is an unreliable person who never completes tasks on time.) 2. 不能容忍的;不可接受的。
例句:这种行为是buoke de,我们必须采取措施。(This behavior is unacceptable and we must take action.) buoke (不可克服) 名词 1. 不可克服的困难。
例句:我们面临着buoke,但我们必须坚持下去。(We are facing insurmountable difficulties, but we must persevere.)
buoke (不可靠) 形容词 1. 不可靠的;靠不住的。例句:他是一个buoke的人,不能信任。(He is an unreliable person and cannot be trusted.) 2. 不能容忍的;不可接受的。
例句:这种行为是buoke的,必须受到制裁。(This behavior is unacceptable and must be punished.) buoke (不可克服) 名词 1. 不可克服的困难。
例句:buoke会是我们前进道路上的一道坎。(The insurmountable difficulties will be a hurdle on our path forward.)
- 形容词:buoke de + 名词 - 名词:buoke + 的 + 名词例句
- 他是一个buoke de ren,从来不按时完成任务。(He is an unreliable person who never completes tasks on time.)
- 这种行为是buoke de,我们必须采取措施。(This behavior is unacceptable and we must take action.)
- 我们面临着buoke de kunnan,但我们必须坚持下去。(We are facing insurmountable difficulties, but we must persevere.)
- 他是一个buoke的人,不能信任。(He is an unreliable person and cannot be trusted.)
- 这种行为是buoke的,必须受到制裁。(This behavior is unacceptable and must be punished.)
- buoke会是我们前进道路上的一道坎。(The insurmountable difficulties will be a hurdle on our path forward.)
- 这个项目存在buoke de wenti,我们需要找到解决方案。(There are issues of unreliability with this project, and we need to find a solution.)
- 他的承诺是buoke de,我们不能相信他。(His promises are not reliable, we can't trust him.)
- buoke de xingwei会导致严重后果。(Unacceptable behavior can lead to serious consequences.)
- buoke de guanxi使得他们的合作受到了影响。(Unreliable relationships have affected their collaboration.)
- 我们正面临着一个buoke de jingji huanjing。(We are facing an unreliable economic environment.)
- buoke de shixian需要更多的努力和时间。(Unattainable goals require more effort and time.)
- buoke de jingyan使他们无法做出正确的决策。(Unreliable experiences prevent them from making the right decisions.)
- buoke de fangfa不会解决问题。(Unreliable methods will not solve the problem.)
- buoke de xinxi会给我们造成困惑。(Unreliable information will confuse us.)
- buoke de tingzhi导致了项目的失败。(Unreliable suspension resulted in the failure of the project.)
- buoke de shouhoufuwu让顾客感到不满意。(Unreliable customer service leaves customers dissatisfied.)
- buoke de jizhongzhou导致了交通拥堵。(Unreliable transportation systems lead to traffic congestion.)
- buoke de xiangmu计划未能按时完成。(The project plan was not completed on time due to unreliability.)
- buoke de juese表现使得他失去了信任。(Unreliable performance caused him to lose trust.)