shielded- 1. 被屏蔽的,被保护的;有防护罩的
- 2. (在电子设备中)屏蔽的,隔离的
- 3. (在社交场合中)避开注意的,不引人注目的
shielded- (用作定语)被屏蔽的东西,有防护罩的物品
- shielding: 屏蔽,隔离
- shield: 盾,屏障
- guarded: 被保护的,谨慎的
- protected: 受保护的,有防护措施的
- exposed: 暴露的,无保护的
- vulnerable: 脆弱的,易受伤害的
shielded (形容词)- (用防护罩)保护的
- (在电子设备中)屏蔽的
- (在社交场合中)避开注意的
shielded (形容词)- 用屏蔽物保护的,有防护罩的
- 防护措施
- She wore a shielded helmet to protect her head from injury. (她戴着带有防护罩的头盔,以保护头部免受伤害。)
- The sensitive electronic equipment needs to be shielded from electromagnetic interference. (敏感的电子设备需要受到电磁干扰的屏蔽。)
- He kept a shielded profile at the party, avoiding unnecessary attention. (他在聚会上保持低调,避免不必要的关注。)
- The house was shielded from the noise of the city by tall trees. (这座房子被高大的树木遮挡住了城市的噪音。)
- The cables are shielded to prevent electromagnetic interference. (电缆被屏蔽以防止电磁干扰。)
- The politician always keeps a shielded personal life to avoid scandals. (这位政治家总是保持着低调的私人生活,以避免丑闻。)
- The shielded room provided a safe space for the experiment. (屏蔽室为实验提供了一个安全的空间。)
- The soldiers were equipped with shielded helmets to protect themselves in combat. (士兵们装备了带有防护罩的头盔,以在战斗中保护自己。)
- The child was shielded from the harsh realities of the world. (这个孩子被隔绝了严酷的现实。)
- The shielded cable is designed to minimize interference. (这种屏蔽电缆旨在最小化干扰。)
- The celebrity arrived at the event with a shielded face, avoiding eye contact with the crowd. (这位名人带着遮蔽住的脸来到活动现场,避免与人群眼神接触。)
- The shielded enclosure protects the sensitive equipment from external influences. (防护罩保护了敏感设备免受外界影响。)
- The spy had a shielded identity that made it difficult for anyone to trace his true background. (那个间谍有一个遮蔽住的身份,让任何人都很难追踪他的真实背景。)
- The shielded power cable is resistant to electromagnetic interference. (这种屏蔽电源线具有抗电磁干扰的特性。)
- The celebrity couple shielded their children from the media spotlight. (这对名人夫妇保护他们的孩子远离媒体聚光灯。)
- The shielded room was used for confidential meetings. (屏蔽室被用于机密会议。)
- The shielded laptop case protected the computer from damage during travel. (带有防护罩的手提电脑包在旅途中保护电脑免受损坏。)
- The witness was shielded from public view to ensure their safety. (目击者被遮蔽起来,以确保他们的安全。)
- The shielded microphone picked up clearer sound without interference. (这种带有防护罩的麦克风能够在没有干扰的情况下拾取更清晰的声音。)
- The shielded container was used to transport radioactive materials safely. (这个带有防护罩的容器被用来安全运输放射性物质。)
- The undercover agent kept a shielded identity to avoid detection by the enemy. (卧底特工保持着一个屏蔽住的身份,以避免被敌人察觉。)
- The shielded cable reduced the interference and improved the signal quality. (这种屏蔽电缆减少了干扰,提高了信号质量。)
- The politician had a shielded past that was carefully hidden from the public. (这位政治家有一个被精心隐藏起来的屏蔽住的过去。)