- 形容词:recite - 背诵的;朗诵的
- 名词:recite - 背诵;朗诵
- reciter - 背诵者;朗诵者
- recitation - 背诵;朗诵
- recital - 独奏会;朗诵会
- 背诵:memorize,learn by heart
- 朗诵:say aloud,speak out
- 背诵:forget,unlearn
- 朗诵:listen,be silent
- When someone recites a poem, speech, or piece of text, they say it aloud after they have learned it.
- If you recite a list of things, you say them aloud.
- If you recite the facts of a situation, you describe them systematically.
- Repeat aloud or declaim (a poem or passage) from memory before an audience.
- Enumerate (a list of names, facts, etc.)
- State or describe (facts or circumstances) in a detailed and impressive way.
1. 他背诵了一首诗。
He recited a poem.
2. 学生们纷纷背诵英语短文。
The students recited English passages one after another.
3. 他们背诵了一份长长的名单。
They recited a long list of names.
4. 她详细地描述了事发经过。
She recited the details of what had happened.
- He recited the poem beautifully in front of the audience. (他在观众面前漂亮地朗诵了那首诗。)
- The children took turns reciting their favorite nursery rhymes. (孩子们轮流背诵他们最喜欢的儿歌。)
- Every year on Independence Day, she would recite the preamble to the Constitution. (每年独立日,她都会背诵宪法的序言。)
- The teacher asked the students to recite the multiplication table. (老师要求学生们背诵乘法口诀表。)
- He recited the names of all the American presidents in order. (他按顺序背诵了所有美国总统的名字。)
- The witness recited the events leading up to the accident. (证人叙述了导致事故发生的经过。)
- She recited the benefits of regular exercise. (她详细叙述了经常锻炼的好处。)
- The actor recited his lines flawlessly. (演员完美地背诵了他的台词。)
- During the ceremony, he recited a heartfelt poem dedicated to his late father. (在仪式上,他朗诵了一首表达对已故父亲深情的诗。)
- She confidently recited the entire speech without referring to her notes. (她自信地不看笔记背诵了整篇演讲。)
- The students were asked to recite the periodic table of elements. (要求学生们背诵元素周期表。)
- He recited the recipe ingredients and steps for making the perfect soufflé. (他背诵了制作完美奶酪酥肉饼的食谱配料和步骤。)
- The poet recited his latest work to an attentive audience. (诗人向一群专心聆听的观众朗诵了他的最新作品。)
- She recited a list of reasons why she deserved the promotion. (她列举了一系列她值得晋升的理由。)
- He recited the names of all the countries in Asia. (他背诵了亚洲所有国家的名称。)
- The priest recited the wedding vows for the couple. (牧师为这对夫妇念了婚誓。)
- She recited the events of the day to her friend over the phone. (她通过电话向朋友叙述了这一天的事件。)
- The actor recited a monologue from Shakespeare's play. (演员朗诵了莎士比亚剧作中的一段独白。)
- She recited the multiplication table with ease. (她轻松地背诵了乘法口诀表。)
- The children recited the Pledge of Allegiance in unison. (孩子们齐声背诵了忠诚誓言。)
- He recited the rules of the game before they started playing. (他在开始游戏之前宣读了游戏规则。)