1. signs [形容词] 显而易见的,明显的。
- There were signs of improvement in his condition.(他的状况有所好转。)
- She showed signs of nervousness before the presentation.(她在演讲前表现出紧张的迹象。)
1. signs [名词] 迹象,征兆。
- There were signs of life in the abandoned building.(废弃的建筑中有生命的迹象。)
- The patient showed signs of recovery.(病人显示出康复的迹象。)
signs 和 symptoms 都可以用来描述一种表现或感觉到的迹象,但它们之间存在一些区别。 signs 是指医生或其他人可以观察到的客观迹象,例如体征、生理指标等;而 symptoms 则是指患者主观上感受到的不适或异常症状。
- sign language:手语
- road signs:道路标志
- warning signs:警示标志
- astrological signs:星座符号
- indications
- signals
- absence
- lack
signs [名词] 迹象;征兆。
- He ignored the early signs of the disease.(他忽视了该病的早期征兆。)
- There were no signs of life in the wreckage.(残骸中没有生命的迹象。)
signs [名词] 迹象,征兆。
- There are signs that the economy is recovering.(有迹象显示经济在复苏。)
- Early signs of the disease should not be ignored.(不应忽视疾病的早期征兆。)
- The doctor observed the patient for any signs of improvement.(医生观察病人是否有好转的迹象。)
- The teacher taught the students how to communicate using signs and gestures.(老师教学生如何使用手势和身势来交流。)
- The road was marked with clear signs indicating the direction to the nearest town.(道路上有清晰的指示标志,指示着最近的城镇方向。)
- She noticed some unusual signs in her friend's behavior that made her concerned.(她注意到朋友行为中的一些异常迹象,让她感到担忧。)
- There were signs of improvement in his condition.(他的状况有所好转。)
- She showed signs of nervousness before the presentation.(她在演讲前表现出紧张的迹象。)
- There were signs of life in the abandoned building.(废弃的建筑中有生命的迹象。)
- The patient showed signs of recovery.(病人显示出康复的迹象。)
- He ignored the early signs of the disease.(他忽视了该病的早期征兆。)
- There were no signs of life in the wreckage.(残骸中没有生命的迹象。)
- There are signs that the economy is recovering.(有迹象显示经济在复苏。)
- Early signs of the disease should not be ignored.(不应忽视疾病的早期征兆。)
- The doctor observed the patient for any signs of improvement.(医生观察病人是否有好转的迹象。)
- The teacher taught the students how to communicate using signs and gestures.(老师教学生如何使用手势和身势来交流。)
- The road was marked with clear signs indicating the direction to the nearest town.(道路上有清晰的指示标志,指示着最近的城镇方向。)
- She noticed some unusual signs in her friend's behavior that made her concerned.(她注意到朋友行为中的一些异常迹象,让她感到担忧。)
- The astrological signs are based on the position of the planets at the time of one's birth.(星座符号是根据一个人出生时行星的位置而确定的。)
- He followed the signs to the nearest gas station.(他按照指示标志走到最近的加油站。)
- They put up signs warning people not to swim in the polluted river.(他们张贴了警示标志,告诫人们不要在污染的河流中游泳。)
- The baby's first signs of communication were through gestures and sounds.(婴儿最早的沟通方式是通过手势和声音。)
- She interpreted the signs on the ancient ruins to understand their meaning.(她解读古迹上的符号以理解它们的意义。)
- He failed to recognize the signs that she was losing interest in their relationship.(他没有意识到她对他们的关系失去了兴趣的迹象。)
- The traffic signs are essential for maintaining order on the roads.(交通标志对于维持道路秩序至关重要。)
- She noticed signs of fatigue in her employees and decided to give them a day off.(她注意到员工疲劳的迹象,决定给他们放一天假。)
- The signs of aging were visible on his face.(老化的迹象在他的脸上可见。)