hatch [hætʃ]英 [hætʃ]
美 [hætʃ]
1. hatch的形容词形式为hatched,意为孵化的,筹划的。例句:The hatched chicks are kept in a warm incubator.(孵化的小鸟被放在一个温暖的孵化器中。)
2. hatch的形容词形式为hatched,意为有阴纹的,有网纹的。
例句:The turtle's shell is covered with hatched patterns.(这只海龟的壳上布满了网纹。)
1. hatch的名词形式为hatch,意为舱口,舱盖。例句:The sailors opened the hatch to load the cargo.(水手们打开舱口装载货物。)
2. hatch的名词形式为hatch,意为天窗,通风口。
例句:He opened the hatch to let in some fresh air.(他打开通风口让新鲜空气进来。)
1. hatch与hatchway的区别:hatch是舱口、舱盖的意思,指的是船或飞机上的开口;hatchway是舱口的意思,指的是进入通道或楼梯的开口。例句:The sailors climbed down the hatchway into the ship's hold.(水手们从舱口爬进了船舱。)
2. hatch与incubator的区别:hatch是孵化的意思,指的是动物孵化出卵或幼仔;incubator是孵化器的意思,指的是用于孵化卵的设备。
例句:The eggs were placed in the incubator to hatch.(卵被放入孵化器中孵化。)
1. hatchery [ˈhætʃəri]:孵化场,鱼苗场。例句:The salmon hatchery releases young fish into the river every year.(鲑鱼孵化场每年向河里放养幼鱼。)
2. hatchling [ˈhætʃlɪŋ]:刚孵化出来的幼仔,崽。
例句:The turtle hatchlings crawl towards the sea.(海龟幼仔爬向大海。)
1. emerge [ɪˈmɜːdʒ]:出现,露出。例句:The butterfly emerged from its cocoon.(蝴蝶从茧中出来了。)
2. incubate [ˈɪŋkjʊbeɪt]:孵化,培养。
例句:The bird incubates its eggs in a nest.(鸟把蛋孵在巢里。)
1. destroy [dɪˈstrɔɪ]:摧毁,破坏。例句:The fire destroyed the entire building.(火灾摧毁了整座建筑物。)
2. close [kləʊz]:关闭,合拢。
例句:Please close the hatch to prevent water from entering.(请关上舱盖,防止水进入。)
1. A hatch is a door in an aircraft, spacecraft, or ship.2. A hatch is an opening in the floor, wall, or roof of a building.
1. If an egg hatches, or if it is hatched, it breaks open because the baby bird or insect inside it is born.2. If a plan, idea, or plot hatches, it is carefully and secretly developed or made.
1. A hatch is an opening in a wall, floor, or roof of a building, which is usually covered with a door or lid.2. A hatch is a door in an aircraft or spacecraft.
1. If an egg hatches, it breaks open and a young bird, fish, or reptile comes out of it.2. If a plot hatches or if someone hatches it, it is made secretly and is usually dishonest or harmful in some way.
1. The eggs will hatch in about two weeks.2. She hatched a plan to steal the diamond.
3. The chicks hatched from their eggs.
4. The police believe the criminal plot was hatched by a group of hackers.
5. He climbed up through the hatch and onto the deck.
1. The turtle's eggs will hatch in the sand.这些海龟的蛋将在沙子里孵化出来。 2. The chicks hatched from the eggs and started chirping.
小鸟从蛋中孵化出来,开始啁啾叫个不停。 3. She hatched a plan to surprise her friend on her birthday.
她策划了一个计划,在朋友生日时给她一个惊喜。 4. The thief waited for darkness to hatch his scheme.
小偷等待黑夜来策划他的计划。 5. The astronauts entered the spacecraft through the hatch.