premise [形] 前提的名词
premise [名] 1. 前提;假定;假设 2. (推理的)论断,主张 3. (商业机构的)营业场所,经营场地 4. (剧本的)概要,剧情简介词义辨析
- premise与assumption都表示推理的前提,但premise更注重事实基础,而assumption更强调主观臆断。 - premise与proposition都可表示推理的前提,但前者常指作为论证的依据,后者常指陈述或表达的内容。 - premise与hypothesis都可表示推理的前提,但前者常指事实或理论的根据,后者常指未经验证的假设。词汇扩充
- premise as noun phrase (名词短语):on the premise that (基于...的前提) - premise as verb (动词):premise something on/upon something (以...为前提)近义词
- assumption (名词):supposition, presumption, hypothesis, postulate - proposition (名词):statement, assertion, claim, thesis - hypothesis (名词):theory, supposition, assumption, conjecture反义词
- conclusion (名词):result, outcome, resolution, deduction柯林斯词典
premise (名) 1. (逻辑学中的)前提 2. (推理或论证的)前提 3. (商业机构的)营业场所 4. (剧本的)概要牛津词典
premise (名) 1. An assertion or proposition that forms the basis for a work or theory 2. A previous statement or proposition from which another is inferred or follows as a conclusion 3. A house or building, together with its land and outbuildings, occupied by a business or considered in an official context 4. A piece of information supporting a conclusion or assertion; a reason用法
- The argument is based on the premise that all people are equal. (这个论点基于所有人平等的前提) - The plan is premised on the assumption that the economy will grow. (这个计划以经济将增长的假设为前提)相关例句
- The premise of the discussion is that everyone has the right to be treated fairly. (讨论的前提是每个人都有受到公平对待的权利)
- We cannot proceed without first establishing the premises. (没有先确立前提我们无法继续)
- The premise of the argument is flawed, leading to an invalid conclusion. (这个论证的前提有误,导致了一个无效的结论)
- His conclusions are based on false premises. (他的结论是建立在错误前提之上的)
- The company operates multiple premises across the country. (该公司在全国范围内经营着多个场所)
- They have recently expanded their premises to accommodate more customers. (他们最近扩大了经营场地以容纳更多的顾客)
- The detective carefully examined the crime scene for any premises that could lead to a suspect. (侦探仔细检查了犯罪现场是否有任何可能指向嫌疑犯的线索)
- The premise of the movie is a young girl discovering her magical powers. (这部电影的剧情概要是一个年轻女孩发现她的魔法能力)
- The book presents an intriguing premise about the future of technology. (这本书提出了一个有关科技未来的引人思考的前提)
- The success of the project is premised on effective teamwork. (这个项目的成功建立在有效的团队合作之上)
- His argument is premised upon the assumption that everyone is motivated by self-interest. (他的论点是基于每个人都以自我利益为动机的假设为前提的)
- They agreed to negotiate on the premise that no new taxes would be introduced. (他们同意在不引入新税收的前提下进行谈判)
- She premised her theory on extensive research and analysis. (她的理论基于广泛的研究和分析)
- They made a decision based on false premises and suffered the consequences. (他们基于错误的前提做出了决定,并承受了后果)
- The writer presents a compelling premise in the opening chapter of the novel. (作者在小说的开头章节提出了一个引人入胜的前提)
- The court rejected the argument as it lacked a valid premise. (法庭驳回了这个论证,因为它缺乏有效的前提)
- He operates his business premises from a small shop in the city center. (他在市中心的一家小商店经营他的营业场所)
- She runs a successful bakery with premises in several locations. (她在几个地方经营着一家成功的面包店)
- They are considering relocating to larger premises to accommodate their growing workforce. (他们正在考虑搬迁到更大的场所来容纳不断增长的员工队伍)
- His argument is based on the false premise that all politicians are corrupt. (他的论证是基于一个错误的前提,即所有政治家都是腐败的)
- The premise of the movie is that love conquers all. (这部电影的前提是爱能征服一切)
- The detective followed the premises to gather evidence against the suspect. (侦探跟踪嫌疑犯的行踪以收集证据)
- They set out the premises of their argument in the opening paragraph. (他们在开篇的段落中阐述了论证的前提)
- Her theory is premised on years of research and experimentation. (她的理论是基于多年的研究和实验)
- The success of the project depends on certain premises being met. (这个项目的成功取决于满足特定的前提)