1. 多余的;不需要的 - 英文解释:not needed because something else exists or has happened - 例句: - He felt redundant after the company downsized.(公司裁员后,他觉得自己多余了) - The information provided was redundant and unnecessary.(提供的信息是多余且不必要的) 2. 冗长的;啰嗦的 - 英文解释:using more words than are needed to express something - 例句: - His speech was redundant and lacked clarity.(他的演讲冗长且缺乏清晰度) - Please be concise and avoid redundant explanations.(请简明扼要,避免冗长的解释)名词
1. 被裁员者;失业者 - 英文解释:a person who has been made redundant - 例句: - The company offered severance packages to the redundants.(公司向被裁员者提供了遣散费) 2. 冗余(性) - 英文解释:the state of being no longer needed or useful - 例句: - The redundancy of the old system became apparent when it repeatedly failed.(旧系统的冗余性在多次失败后变得明显)词语辨析
- redundant与superfluous:两者都表示多余的含义,但redundant更强调因其他存在而不再需要,而superfluous更强调不必要或多余的程度。词汇扩充
- make redundant:解雇某人(使其失业)近义词
- excessive:过多的,过度的 - surplus:过剩的,多余的 - unnecessary:不必要的,无用的反义词
- essential:必要的,重要的 - necessary:需要的,必须的柯林斯词典
形容词 1. 多余的;不需要的 2. 冗长的;啰嗦的 名词 1. 被裁员者;失业者 2. 冗余(性)牛津词典
形容词 1. 多余的;不需要的 2. 冗长的;啰嗦的 名词 1. 被裁员者;失业者 2. 冗余(性)用法
- 形容词redundant可以修饰名词,表示多余的或冗长的。 - 名词redundant可以用来指被裁员者或描述冗余性。相关例句
- His role in the project became redundant after the changes were made. (在进行了变更后,他在项目中的角色变得多余了。)
- The company decided to lay off some redundant staff members. (公司决定裁掉一些多余的员工。)
- She found it hard to cope with being made redundant. (她觉得很难应对失业的情况。)
- The redundant information was removed to improve the clarity of the report. (为了提高报告的清晰度,冗余的信息被删除了。)
- The article was full of redundant phrases and could have been more concise. (这篇文章充斥着冗长的词语,可以更简明扼要。)
- Being made redundant was a shock, but it opened up new opportunities for her. (失业让她感到震惊,但也为她带来了新的机会。)
- Redundancy payments were offered to those who were laid off. (被解雇的人可以获得遣散费。)
- His speech was filled with redundant examples that didn't add any value to his argument. (他的演讲中充斥着没有为他的论点增加任何价值的冗长例子。)
- The redundancy of using both a password and a fingerprint scan for authentication is questionable. (同时使用密码和指纹扫描进行身份验证的冗余性是值得怀疑的。)
- After being made redundant, he decided to start his own business. (失业后,他决定开始自己的生意。)
- The teacher's explanation was redundant as the students had already understood the concept. (老师的解释是多余的,因为学生们已经理解了这个概念。)
- Redundant words and phrases should be eliminated to improve the clarity of your writing. (应该消除冗余的词语和短语,以提高写作的清晰度。)
- She felt redundant and unimportant in her current job. (她觉得自己在目前的工作中多余且不重要。)
- Redundancy in the system was causing unnecessary delays. (系统中的冗余性导致了不必要的延迟。)
- He was among the redundants who were offered a severance package. (他是那些被提供遣散费的被裁员者之一。)
- Using simple and concise language can help avoid redundant explanations. (使用简单明了的语言可以避免冗长的解释。)
- The redundant data was removed from the database to optimize its performance. (冗余数据已从数据库中删除,以优化其性能。)
- Redundant workers often face financial difficulties until they find a new job. (失业的工人往往在找到新工作之前面临着经济困难。)
- The manager assured the employees that there would be no redundancies in the near future. (经理向员工们保证在不久的将来不会有裁员。)
- The report contained redundant information that could have been summarized more effectively. (报告中包含了可以更有效地总结的冗余信息。)
- Redundant systems are put in place to ensure that there are backups in case of failures. (为了确保在发生故障时有备份,我们设置了冗余系统。)