1. 购物中心;商场 【词语辨析】mall和shopping center都指大型的购物中心,但mall更常用于美国英语中,而shopping center更常用于英国英语中。 【词汇扩充】 - indoor mall:室内购物中心 - outdoor mall:露天购物中心 - strip mall:连锁商场 【近义词】shopping center, shopping mall, plaza 【反义词】street market, flea market 【柯林斯词典】 mall (plural malls) 1. A mall is a large building or covered area that has many shops in it. (mainly AM) 2. A mall is an area that is usually lined with trees and paved where people walk. 【牛津词典】 mall 1. (North American English) A large enclosed building or covered area used for shopping. 2. (North American English) A road or street with a lot of shops, especially one where vehicles are not allowed. 例句: 1. I'm going to the mall to buy some new clothes. 我要去商场买些新衣服。 2. The mall is always crowded during the holiday season. 在假日季节,商场总是人满为患。形容词
1. 商场的;购物中心的 【词语辨析】mall和shopping center都可用作形容词,表示与商场或购物中心有关的。 【词汇扩充】 - mall culture:购物中心文化 【柯林斯词典】 mall (adjective) Mall is used to describe things that are related to shopping centres. 【牛津词典】 mall (adjective) Connected with a shopping mall. 例句: 1. We enjoyed a day of mall shopping. 我们享受了一天的商场购物。 2. The mall experience was overwhelming with so many stores to choose from. 有这么多店铺可供选择,商场体验令人难以置信。例句
- We met at the coffee shop in the mall. (我们在商场里的咖啡店见面。)
- The mall was packed with people looking for holiday deals. (商场里挤满了寻找节日特惠的人们。)
- She found a beautiful dress at a boutique in the mall. (她在商场的一家精品店里找到了一件漂亮的连衣裙。)
- There is a food court on the top floor of the mall. (商场的顶楼有一个美食广场。)
- He spent hours wandering around the mall, but didn't buy anything. (他在商场里闲逛了几个小时,但什么都没买。)
- The mall has a wide range of stores, from luxury brands to affordable options. (商场里有各种各样的店铺,既有奢侈品牌,也有经济实惠的选择。)
- During the summer, the mall organizes outdoor concerts and events. (夏季期间,商场组织室外音乐会和活动。)
- I always get lost in this mall. It's so big! (我在这个商场里总是迷路,它太大了!)
- The mall is conveniently located near public transportation. (商场位置便利,靠近公共交通。)
- She bought a new smartphone at the mall's electronics store. (她在商场的电子产品店买了一部新智能手机。)
- There are several escalators and elevators in the mall for easy access. (商场内设有几部电梯和扶梯,方便进出。)
- The mall offers a variety of entertainment options, including a movie theater and an arcade. (商场提供多种娱乐选择,包括电影院和游戏厅。)
- She enjoys window shopping at the mall, even if she doesn't buy anything. (她喜欢在商场里逛街看橱窗,即使什么都不买。)
- There is a parking garage next to the mall for easy parking. (商场旁边有一个停车楼,方便停车。)
- The mall is decorated with festive lights and decorations during the holiday season. (节日季节商场装饰着节日灯光和装饰品。)
- She often meets her friends for lunch at the mall's food court. (她经常在商场的美食广场与朋友们共进午餐。)
- The mall is a popular hangout spot for teenagers on weekends. (周末商场是年轻人流行的聚会场所。)
- He found a great deal on a new laptop at the mall's electronics store. (他在商场的电子产品店找到了一台新笔记本电脑的超值优惠。)
- The mall has a wide selection of clothing stores catering to different styles and budgets. (商场有各种不同风格和预算的服装店可供选择。)
- She loves going to the mall to browse the latest fashion trends. (她喜欢去商场浏览最新的时尚潮流。)