1. integrated [
] 综合的; 整合的2. integrative [
] 整合的; 综合的名词
1. integration [
] 整合; 综合; 集成2. integration [
] (社会)融合; (人群)融入3. integration [
] (数学)积分词语辨析
1. integration vs. segregation
integration: 融合,整合
segregation: 分离,隔离
2. integration vs. disintegration
integration: 整合,综合
disintegration: 分裂,崩溃
1. integrate [
] 整合; 综合2. integrator [
] 整合者; 综合者近义词
unification, consolidation, amalgamation, incorporation
separation, segregation, disintegration, disunity
1. The integration of a country, organization, or system is the process of making it operate effectively as a whole. (国家、组织或系统的) 整合
2. Integration is the process of combining two or more things so that they work together. 整合
1. The action or process of integrating. 整合; 融合
2. The intermixing of people or groups previously segregated. (人群的) 融合
1. integration of different cultures
2. racial integration
3. economic integration
- The integration of various departments within the company resulted in improved efficiency. (公司内部各部门的整合使效率得到了改善。)
- He is an integrative thinker who can connect ideas from different fields. (他是一个能够将不同领域的思想联系起来的综合性思考者。)
- The integration of technology and education is changing the way we learn. (技术与教育的整合正在改变我们的学习方式。)
- Racial integration has been a long process in this country. (种族融合在这个国家是一个漫长的过程。)
- The social integration of immigrants is an important aspect of fostering a diverse society. (移民的社会融合是培育多元化社会的重要方面。)
- The government is working towards greater economic integration with neighboring countries. (政府正在努力与邻国实现更大范围的经济一体化。)
- The integration of these two companies will create a stronger market presence. (这两家公司的整合将创造更强大的市场存在感。)
- Segregation leads to division, while integration promotes unity. (隔离导致分裂,而整合促进团结。)
- The country is experiencing political disintegration due to internal conflicts. (由于内部冲突,这个国家正在经历政治分裂。)
- He worked as an integrator, bringing together different teams to achieve a common goal. (他担任整合者的角色,将不同的团队汇聚在一起以实现共同目标。)
- The integration of art and technology has resulted in innovative multimedia experiences. (艺术与技术的融合产生了创新的多媒体体验。)
- The process of European integration has brought about economic benefits for member countries. (欧洲一体化的进程给成员国带来了经济利益。)
- His speech emphasized the importance of social integration for a harmonious society. (他的讲话强调了社会融合对于和谐社会的重要性。)
- The integration of traditional and modern elements in the design creates a unique aesthetic. (设计中传统与现代元素的融合创造了独特的美感。)
- Efforts are being made to achieve greater integration between different sectors of the economy. (正在努力实现经济不同部门之间更大范围的整合。)
- The integration of music and dance in the performance mesmerized the audience. (音乐和舞蹈在表演中的融合使观众为之着迷。)
- Successful integration of refugees into the local community is a key challenge for social services. (成功将难民融入当地社区是社会服务的一个重要挑战。)
- The integration of new technology into the manufacturing process has increased productivity. (新技术在制造过程中的整合提高了生产力。)
- The integration of historical events into the novel gave it a rich and authentic backdrop. (历史事件在小说中的融合为其提供了丰富而真实的背景。)
- Regional integration aims to promote cooperation and economic development among neighboring countries. (区域一体化旨在促进邻国之间的合作与经济发展。)
- The integration of different teaching methods allows for a more personalized learning experience. (不同教学方法的整合使学习体验更加个性化。)