1. 有漏洞的;易泄漏的
1. 泄漏;漏洞
2. 漏出的液体;(船上的)漏水
3. 消失;流失
4. (秘密、计划等)泄漏;走漏
1. gas leak:气体泄漏
2. oil leak:油漏
3. water leak:水漏
4. information leak:信息泄露
5. leak detection:泄漏检测
6. leaky roof:漏雨的屋顶
1. seepage:渗漏
2. spillage:溢出
3. escape:逃逸
4. outflow:流出
1. contain:包含
2. retain:保留
3. hold:抓住
4. keep:保存
1. If there is a leak in a pipe or container, or if it leaks, liquid or gas escapes through a hole or crack in it.
2. A leak is a hole or crack that makes a liquid or gas escape from a pipe or container.
3. If there is a leak of a piece of information, people find out about it when they are not supposed to.
4. If there is a leak in a system, money or resources are wasted or lost.
1. If a container leaks, there is a hole or crack in it which lets liquid or gas escape.
2. If liquid or gas leaks from a container, it escapes through a hole or crack in it.
3. If someone leaks information, they give it to other people.
1. An instance of a liquid or gas escaping from a hole or crack in a pipe or container.
2. An unauthorized account of confidential information.
3. An inadvertent revealment of concealed information.
1. (of a container or covering) accidentally lose or admit contents, especially liquid or gas, through a hole or crack.
2. (of secret information) become known.
3. Give out (secret information) in breach of trust.
- There was a leak in the roof, and water was dripping onto the floor.
- The company suffered a leak of confidential information.
- The bottle leaked and spilled juice all over the counter.
- Someone in the government leaked the classified documents to the press.
- The roof has a leak and needs to be repaired.(屋顶有个漏洞需要修理。)
- There was a gas leak in the building.(建筑物里发生了气体泄漏。)
- The pipe burst and caused a water leak.(管道破裂导致水漏。)
- The leak of the news caused a public outcry.(消息的泄漏引起了公众的强烈抗议。)
- They discovered a leak in their security system.(他们发现了他们的安全系统中的漏洞。)
- The barrel had a leak and oil spilled all over the ground.(那个木桶有个漏洞,油都溢出来了。)
- The leak of classified documents compromised national security.(机密文件的泄露危及了国家安全。)
- He accidentally leaked the company's future plans.(他不小心泄露了公司的未来计划。)
- The faucet is leaking and needs to be fixed.(水龙头在漏水,需要修理。)
- She leaked the news to the press.(她把消息泄露给了媒体。)
- The pressure cooker leaked steam.(压力锅泄漏了蒸汽。)
- He was accused of leaking confidential information.(他被指控泄露机密信息。)
- The boat had a leak and started to sink.(船上有个漏洞,开始下沉。)
- The government launched an investigation into the leak of classified documents.(政府对机密文件的泄露展开了调查。)
- She discovered a leak in the roof after the heavy rain.(大雨过后,她发现屋顶有个漏洞。)
- The bucket has a small leak at the bottom.(桶底有个小漏洞。)
- We need to fix the leak in the plumbing.(我们需要修理水管的漏洞。)
- The company suffered financial losses due to a leak in their accounting department.(由于财务部门的泄漏,公司遭受了经济损失。)
- He was fired for leaking confidential information to a competitor.(他因向竞争对手泄露机密信息而被解雇。)
- The pressure cooker leaks steam when it gets too hot.(压力锅在过热时会泄漏蒸汽。)
- News of the scandal leaked to the media before the official announcement.(丑闻的消息在官方公告之前泄露给了媒体。)