cease [siːs]1. 停止;终止
2. 结束;停工
3. 停歇;休止
ceaseless [ˈsiːslɪs]1. 不停的;持续的
2. 无休止的;连续的
ceasefire [ˈsiːsfaɪər]1. 停火;休战
2. (比喻) 暂时的停止
- cease与stop均表示停止或结束,但cease更正式,语气更强烈,而stop常指暂时的停止。- ceaseless与endless均表示持续不断,但ceaseless更强调不间断,而endless着重强调没有尽头。
- cease to exist:灭亡 - cease trading:停止交易 - cease operations:停止运营 - cease and desist:停止并放弃近义词
- stop - halt - quit - terminate - discontinue反义词
- continue - persist - endure柯林斯词典
cease (siːs)动词
1. If something ceases, it stops happening or existing.
2. If you cease to do something, you stop doing it.
1. A cessation of something is a stopping of it.
2. A cessation of fighting or of a particular kind of fighting is a stopping of it.
cease (siːs)动词
1. Stop; end.
1. A cessation of something.
2. A temporary or final stopping of fighting; a truce.
- cease to do something:停止做某事 - cease doing something:停止做某事 - cease fire:停火 - cease and desist:停止并放弃例句
1. The rain had ceased and the sun was shining.雨停了,太阳出来了。 2. The company will cease trading at the end of the month.
公司将于月底停止交易。 3. She never ceases to amaze me with her talent.
她的才华总能让我惊叹不已。 4. They have called for a cease-fire in the region.
他们呼吁该地区停火。 5. The government declared a cease-fire.
政府宣布停火。 6. The noise outside finally ceased and I could fall asleep.
外面的噪音终于停了下来,我可以入睡了。 7. The ceaseless rain made it difficult to go outside.
不停的雨使得出门变得困难。 8. The ceaseless noise from the construction site was driving me crazy.
来自施工现场的持续噪音让我发疯。 9. The cease of hostilities was celebrated by both sides.
双方都为停止敌对行动而庆祝。 10. The cease of production resulted in many job losses.
生产的停产导致了许多失业。 11. He decided to cease his involvement in the project.
他决定停止参与这个项目。 12. Please cease all activities and leave the premises.
请停止一切活动并离开现场。 13. The cease and desist order was issued by the court.
法院发布了停止令。 14. The cease-fire agreement was signed by both parties.
双方签署了停火协议。 15. The cease-fire allowed humanitarian aid to reach the affected areas.
停火使人道主义援助能够到达受灾地区。 16. They agreed to a temporary cease-fire while negotiations were ongoing.
他们同意在谈判进行期间暂时停火。 17. The cease of violence brought relief to the war-torn region.
暴力的停止给这个饱受战争蹂躏的地区带来了宽慰。 18. The cease of rain allowed the floodwaters to subside.
雨停使得洪水退去。 19. The cease of hostilities was short-lived as fighting resumed the next day.
敌对行动的停止是短暂的,第二天战斗就重新开始了。 20. The cease of trade between the two countries impacted their economies.