- 1. 涡旋;漩涡
- 2. (液体或气体)旋流
- 3. (动荡或混乱的)中心;漩涡
- 4. (在天气图中的)涡旋
- 1. 涡旋状的;旋风般的
- whirlpool - 漩涡
- eddy - 涡流
- gyre - 回旋
- whirl - 旋转
calm - 平静
1. A vortex is a mass of wind or water that spins round so fast that it pulls objects into its empty centre.
2. A vortex is a situation that is confused and full of strong emotions or complicated events.
3. A vortex is a mass of air or water that spins round very fast and pulls things into its empty centre.
1. A mass of whirling fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind.
2. A place or situation regarded as drawing into its center all that it surrounds, and hence being inescapable or destructively engulfing.
- The boat was pulled into a powerful vortex and disappeared beneath the water. (这艘船被一个强大的漩涡吸进水中消失了。)
- The tornado created a vortex of debris. (龙卷风带来了一股碎片的旋风。)
- His life was caught in a vortex of conflicting emotions. (他的生活被纷乱的情感所困扰。)
- Scientists study atmospheric vortices to better understand weather patterns. (科学家研究大气涡旋以更好地理解天气模式。)
- The storm vortex was visible on the weather radar. (这场风暴的涡旋在气象雷达上可见。)
- Vortex winds spun violently, tearing trees from the ground. (涡旋般的风劲旋转,将树木从地面上拔起。)
- The swimmer was caught in a dangerous vortex and struggled to escape its pull. (这名游泳者被危险的旋涡困住,努力逃离其吸力。)
- The vortex of political unrest consumed the nation. (政治动荡的中心吞噬了这个国家。)
- The water drained into the vortex and disappeared down the drain. (水流入漩涡,并通过排水口消失了。)
- The vortex of public opinion shifted in favor of the new policy. (舆论漩涡转向了新政策的支持。)
- The helicopter hovered above the vortex created by the sinking ship. (直升机在沉船造成的漩涡上方盘旋。)
- The vortex of air pulled the hot air balloon higher into the sky. (空气的涡旋将热气球拉得更高。)
- The novel explores the vortex of emotions experienced by the main character. (这部小说探索了主角所经历的情感漩涡。)
- The vortex of corruption within the government was exposed by journalists. (记者揭露了政府内部的腐败漩涡。)
- The vortex of violence in the city escalated rapidly. (城市中的暴力漩涡迅速升级。)
- He found himself drawn into a vortex of addiction and self-destruction. (他发现自己陷入了一个成瘾和自我毁灭的漩涡。)
- The vortex of negative thoughts consumed her mind. (消极思绪的漩涡占据了她的脑海。)
- The swimmer was trapped in a powerful vortex and struggled to swim to safety. (这名游泳者被一个强大的漩涡困住,挣扎着游向安全地带。)
- The vortex of smoke rose into the sky from the burning building. (燃烧的建筑物中升腾起一股烟雾的旋涡。)
- The vortex of rumors spread quickly through the small town. (谣言的漩涡迅速在小镇中传开。)
- She felt herself being pulled into a vortex of despair. (她感觉自己被一股绝望的漩涡吸引着。)