1. 同一个部门的
英文释义:relating to or concerning a department or departments.
- They held a departmental meeting to discuss the new project.(他们召开了一个部门会议,讨论新项目。)
- We need to improve departmental communication.(我们需要改善部门间的沟通。)
2. 部门的,部门间的
英文释义:concerning or shared by a whole department.
- They have departmental stores all over the country.(他们在全国各地都有百货商店。)
- The departmental budget was discussed in the meeting.(部门预算在会议上进行了讨论。)
3. 系的
英文释义:relating to a specific branch of a university or college.
- He is a departmental head at the university.(他是大学的一个系主任。)
- I will be attending a departmental seminar tomorrow.(明天我将参加一个系里的研讨会。)
1. 部门的
英文释义:a department's administrative or functional area of activity.
- The departmental is responsible for handling customer complaints.(该部门负责处理客户投诉。)
- He is the head of the finance departmental.(他是财务部门的负责人。)
2. 系的
英文释义:a division of a university or college dealing with a particular area of study.
- I am majoring in economics in the departmental of social sciences.(我在社会科学系主修经济学。)
- The departmental is known for its strong engineering program.(该系以其强大的工程项目而闻名。)
departmental vs. department
“departmental” 是一个形容词,意思是“部门的”或“系的”。而“department” 是一个名词,指的是“部门”或“系”。两者的区别在于前者是形容词,后者是名词。
- He is a department head at the university.(他是大学的一个系主任。)
- I am majoring in biology in the biology department.(我在生物系主修生物学。)
1. department(名词):部门、系、部、科室
2. ministry(名词):部、部委、部门、部长、牧师
3. division(名词):部门、分部、分工、分割、除法
1. sectional(形容词):部门的、截面的、部分的
2. divisional(形容词):部门的、分部的、分割的
3. sectoral(形容词):部门的、产业的、行业的
1. whole(形容词):整个的、全体的、完整的
2. entire(形容词):全部的、整个的、完全的
3. complete(形容词):完整的、完全的、彻底的
英文释义:Departmental means relating to or concerning the government department or department store mentioned.
- ...the Departmental Advisory Committee.(...部门咨询委员会。)
- ...the Departmental Museum.(...部门博物馆。)
英文释义:Of or relating to a department or departments.
- Departmental policy.(部门政策。)
- Departmental meetings.(部门会议。)
“departmental” 可以用作形容词和名词。作为形容词时,常用于描述与部门、系或分支机构相关的事物。作为名词时,指的是一个部门的行政或职能活动领域,或指代大学或学院的一个学科分支。
- The departmental manager announced a new project.(部门经理宣布了一个新项目。)
- She is responsible for departmental budget planning.(她负责部门预算规划。)
- The company has a departmental structure.(该公司有一个部门结构。)
- The departmental heads met to discuss the upcoming changes.(各部门负责人开会讨论即将发生的变化。)
- He is the head of the departmental of engineering.(他是工程系的负责人。)
- Students can choose from various departmental at the university.(学生可以在大学里选择各个系的课程。)
- Departmental cooperation is crucial for the success of the project.(部门间的合作对于项目的成功至关重要。)
- The departmental store offers a wide range of products.(百货商店提供各种各样的产品。)
- They held a departmental meeting to discuss the new policy.(他们召开了一个部门会议,讨论新政策。)
- The departmental budget was approved by the board.(该部门的预算获得了董事会的批准。)
- The departmental of education is responsible for setting educational policies.(教育部负责制定教育政策。)
- She is majoring in psychology in the departmental of social sciences.(她在社会科学系主修心理学。)
- The departmental is known for its strong research program.(该系以其强大的研究项目而闻名。)
- They hired a new departmental manager to improve efficiency.(他们聘请了一名新的部门经理来提高效率。)
- The departmental is responsible for handling customer inquiries.(该部门负责处理客户的询问。)
- We need to enhance departmental collaboration for better results.(我们需要加强部门间的合作以取得更好的结果。)
- The departmental structure of the organization is well-defined.(该组织的部门结构定义清晰。)
- She attended a departmental seminar on marketing strategies.(她参加了一个有关市场营销策略的系里研讨会。)
- The departmental is responsible for maintaining the company's IT infrastructure.(该部门负责维护公司的信息技术基础设施。)
- The departmental heads met to discuss the budget allocation.(各部门负责人会面讨论预算分配。)
- They have departmental stores all over the country.(他们在全国各地都有百货商店。)