1. Noun
Meaning: The two small organs inside the scrotum that produce sperm and male sex hormones.
Translation: 睾丸
- He was diagnosed with testicular cancer.
- After the accident, he experienced pain in his testicles.
- The testicles are responsible for producing testosterone.
2. Adjective
Meaning: Relating to or characteristic of the testicles.
Translation: 睾丸的
He underwent testicular surgery to remove a tumor.
Usage in Dictionaries
Collins Dictionary:
Testicles (noun): The two small organs inside the scrotum that produce sperm and male sex hormones.
Testicular (adjective): Relating to or characteristic of the testicles.
Oxford Dictionary:
Testicles (noun): Either of the two oval organs that produce sperm in men and other male mammals, enclosed in the scrotum behind the penis.
Testicular (adjective): Relating to or affecting the testicles.
- Gonads
- Orchis
- Stones
- Ovary
- Testosterone deficiency
Expanded Vocabulary:
- Scrotum: The external pouch of skin containing the testicles in males.
- Sperm: The male reproductive cells.
- Hormones: Chemical substances produced by the body that regulate various functions.
- Tumor: An abnormal mass of tissue, often associated with cancer.
Example Sentences:
- He went for a check-up after feeling a lump in his testicle. (他因为感觉到睾丸上有一个肿块而去做了检查。)
- The doctor advised him to perform regular self-examinations of his testicles. (医生建议他定期自我检查睾丸。)
- Testicular cancer is most common in young men between the ages of 15 and 35. (睾丸癌在15至35岁年轻男性中最为常见。)
- He experienced pain and swelling in his testicles after the injury. (受伤后,他的睾丸出现了疼痛和肿胀。)
- Testosterone is a hormone produced by the testicles. (睾丸产生睾酮这种激素。)
- A physical examination can help determine the health of the testicles. (体检可以帮助确定睾丸的健康状况。)
- He was diagnosed with testicular torsion, a condition that required immediate surgery. (他被诊断患有睾丸扭转,这需要立即手术。)
- The testicles are responsible for the production of sperm. (睾丸负责精子的产生。)
- Testicular atrophy can be caused by certain medical conditions. (睾丸萎缩可以由某些疾病引起。)
- He felt a sharp pain in his testicles and immediately went to the doctor. (他感到睾丸剧痛,立刻去找了医生。)
- Testicular function can be affected by hormonal imbalances. (激素失衡可能会影响睾丸功能。)
- He underwent surgery to remove one of his testicles due to testicular cancer. (由于患有睾丸癌,他接受了切除一颗睾丸的手术。)
- He experienced a dull ache in his testicles after long-distance cycling. (长途骑行后,他的睾丸感到隐痛。)
- The doctor recommended regular testicular self-exams to detect any abnormalities. (医生建议定期自我检查睾丸以发现任何异常。)
- Testicular trauma should be evaluated by a medical professional. (应该由医务人员评估睾丸创伤。)
- He noticed a lump on one of his testicles and immediately scheduled a doctor's appointment. (他注意到一个睾丸上有一个肿块,立即预约了医生。)
- Testicular pain can be a sign of various medical conditions. (睾丸疼痛可能是各种疾病的一个症状。)
- The doctor performed a testicular ultrasound to assess the condition of his testicles. (医生进行了睾丸超声检查来评估他的睾丸状况。)
- Testicular cancer has a high survival rate if detected early. (如果早期发现,睾丸癌有很高的生存率。)
- He sought medical advice after experiencing persistent discomfort in his testicles. (他在睾丸持续不适后寻求了医疗建议。)