1. 放弃的,停止的
2. 决心要离开的,不愿再继续的
1. 辞职,离职
2. 放弃,停止
- quit:主要指停止或离开某个行动、工作、地方等,常用于口语。
- resign:指正式辞去职位,特别是在工作或政府机构中。
- give up:指放弃某事物、想法、计划等。
- abandon:指完全放弃某物或某人,通常含有一定的决心和彻底性。
- quitter:名词,指一个容易放弃的人,胆小者。
- quittable:形容词,可辞职的,可放弃的。
- stop:停止
- cease:停止,终止
- abandon:放弃
- continue:继续
- persevere:坚持
quitting (形容词)
1. 决心离开的; 不愿再继续的
2. 放弃的; 停止的
quitting (名词)
1. 辞职,离职
2. 放弃,停止
quitting (形容词)
1. 决心要离开的,不愿再继续的
2. 放弃的,停止的
quitting (名词)
1. 辞职,离职
2. 放弃,停止
- You should consider quitting smoking for the sake of your health.(你应该考虑为了健康而戒烟。)
- She is quitting her job to pursue her dreams.(她辞职了,去追求她的梦想。)
- After many failed attempts, he finally quit gambling.(经过多次失败尝试,他终于戒赌了。)
- The company announced the quitting of its CEO.(公司宣布其首席执行官的离职。)
1. She's quitting her job and starting her own business.(她辞职了,开始创业。)
2. Are you quitting the project?(你要退出这个项目吗?)
3. I'm quitting my job next month to travel around the world.(我下个月辞职去环游世界。)
4. He's quitting smoking for the sake of his health.(为了健康,他要戒烟。)
5. After years of struggling, he finally quit his bad habits.(经过多年的挣扎,他终于改掉了坏习惯。)
6. She's quitting the team because she doesn't enjoy playing anymore.(她退出了团队,因为她不再喜欢打球了。)
7. The company announced the quitting of several employees due to financial difficulties.(由于财务困难,公司宣布了几名员工的离职。)
8. He is a quitter who always gives up when faced with challenges.(他是一个总是在面对挑战时放弃的人。)
9. Quitting is not an option; we must persevere until we succeed.(放弃不是选择,我们必须坚持直到成功。)
10. She resigned from her position as CEO and handed over to her successor.(她辞去了首席执行官的职位,并交接给了她的继任者。)
11. The quitting of the president caused turmoil in the organization.(总裁的离职在组织中引起了动荡。)
12. He abandoned his dreams of becoming a musician and pursued a career in finance instead.(他放弃了成为音乐家的梦想,转而追求金融事业。)
13. The quitting of the team captain affected the morale of the entire squad.(队长的离职影响了整个队伍的士气。)
14. They decided to give up their plans to travel abroad due to financial constraints.(由于财务限制,他们决定放弃出国旅行的计划。)
15. The quitting of the coach led to a series of changes in the team's strategy.(教练的离职导致了团队战略的一系列变化。)
16. The company experienced a high turnover rate due to employees quitting frequently.(由于员工频繁离职,公司的员工流失率很高。)
17. Quitting is not always a sign of weakness; sometimes it takes courage to let go and start afresh.(离开并不总是软弱的表现;有时候放手并重新开始需要勇气。)
18. She couldn't quit her addiction to social media despite numerous attempts.(尽管多次尝试,她无法戒掉对社交媒体的依赖。)
19. The quitting of the main sponsor led to the cancellation of the event.(主要赞助商的退出导致了活动的取消。)
20. Quitting may seem like the easy way out, but it rarely leads to long-term satisfaction.(放弃可能看起来是简单的解决办法,但很少能带来长期的满足感。)