1. 增加;附加
近义词:extra, supplement, extension
反义词:subtraction, deduction
Addition is the process of calculating the total of two or more numbers or amounts.
The process of adding one thing to another is called addition.
- I have made some additions to the text.
- In addition to the cake, we also served ice cream.
2. 增加的东西;附加物
近义词:extra, supplement, extension
反义词:subtraction, deduction
An addition to an existing building is a new part that is connected to it.
An addition is a new room or building which is added to an existing one in order to make it bigger.
- The new addition to the house is a spacious living room.
- The museum has plans for a new addition to showcase modern art.
1. 附加的;额外的
近义词:extra, supplementary, added
反义词:subtracted, deducted
If something is an addition to an existing thing, it is extra or attached to it.
Addition means extra or added.
- The new addition to the team brought fresh ideas.
- She made an addition to her collection of stamps.
2. 增加的;附加的
近义词:extra, supplementary, added
反义词:subtracted, deducted
If you buy an addition item, you are buying something extra that you want but did not originally intend to buy.
If you describe something as an addition item, you mean that it is an extra item that can be bought in addition to the main item or items in a particular offer or deal.
- The addition cost of the meal is not included in the price.
- You can purchase addition accessories for the product.
additionally (副词):此外;另外
add-on (名词):附加物;增补
add-up (动词):合计;加起来
addendum (名词):附录;附加物
addedly (副词):额外地;附加地
- In addition to English, he also speaks French and Spanish. (除了英语之外,他还会说法语和西班牙语。)
- She made several additions to the report before submitting it. (在提交报告之前,她做了几处补充。)
- The new wing is an addition to the existing hospital. (新的楼群是现有医院的附属建筑。)
- Addition expenses will be covered by the company. (附加费用将由公司承担。)
- He purchased an addition item with his meal. (他在餐点中购买了一件附加物品。)
- In addition to her job, she volunteers at a local charity. (除了工作之外,她还在当地的慈善机构做义工。)
- We need to make some additions to the original plan. (我们需要对原计划进行一些补充。)
- The addition of a new character added excitement to the story. (增加一个新角色让故事更加精彩。)
- The hotel offers addition services such as laundry and room service. (酒店提供洗衣和客房服务等附加服务。)
- We need to calculate the total by addition. (我们需要通过加法计算总数。)
- In addition to the main course, we also offer a selection of desserts. (除了主菜,我们还提供多种甜点选择。)
- The addition of a swimming pool to the house increased its value. (给房子增加一个游泳池提高了它的价值。)
- He made several additions to his presentation to make it more engaging. (他对演讲进行了几处增补,使其更具吸引力。)
- Please check your calculations for addition errors. (请检查你的加法计算是否有误。)
- She added some salt to the soup to enhance the flavor. (她往汤里加了些盐以增强味道。)
- He purchased an addition accessory for his smartphone. (他为他的智能手机购买了一个附件。)
- In addition to the concert, there will also be a fireworks display. (除了音乐会,还将有一场烟花表演。)
- She made a small addition to her outfit by adding a colorful scarf. (她通过加上一条彩色围巾为她的服装增添了一点小亮点。)
- They are planning an addition to their house to accommodate their growing family. (他们正在计划对房子进行扩建,以适应日益增长的家庭人口。)
- I made an addition to my collection of rare coins. (我增加了一枚珍品硬币到我的收藏中。)