- 令人讨厌的;恶劣的 - annoying; unpleasant
- 母狗 - female dog
- 贱女人;泼妇 - derogatory term for a woman
bitches 与 female dogs 都可指母狗,但bitches 在蔑称的语境下常用来侮辱女性。
- bitchy:形容词,意为“刻薄的;恶毒的” - behaving in a mean or malicious way
- bitchiness:名词,意为“刻薄;恶毒” - the quality of being mean or malicious
- female dog
- dog
- canine
- shrew
- harpy
- male dog
- gentleman
bitches (noun)
1. (informal, offensive) a woman who is unpleasant or malicious.
2. (informal, offensive) a female dog.
bitchy (adjective)
1. (informal, offensive) behaving in a way that is unpleasant or malicious, especially towards other women.
bitches (noun)
1. (informal, offensive) a malicious or unpleasant woman.
2. (informal, offensive) a female dog.
bitchy (adjective)
1. (informal, offensive) showing or caused by spite or malice.
1. He called his colleague a bitch after their argument. (他在争论后骂了他的同事一句“泼妇”。)
2. Don't be so bitchy to your friends. (别对你的朋友那么刻薄。)
3. The bitches were barking loudly all night. (那些母狗整夜都在大声吠叫。)
- The bitches in the office are always spreading rumors. (办公室里的那些贱女人总是散播谣言。)
- She's such a bitch; she always tries to make me look bad. (她真是个贱人,总是想让我难堪。)
- My neighbor's bitchy attitude is making it hard for us to get along. (我邻居那刻薄的态度让我们难以相处。)
- The stray dog gave birth to a litter of adorable puppies. (那只流浪狗生下了一窝可爱的小狗。)
- She acts like a bitch sometimes, but deep down she's a good person. (她有时表现得像个泼妇,但内心深处是个好人。)
- His comment was so bitchy that it ruined the entire evening. (他的评论太刻薄了,搅得整个晚上都不愉快。)
- The bitches were barking loudly all night, disturbing the neighbors. (那些母狗整夜都在大声吠叫,打扰了邻居。)
- She's always surrounded by a group of bitches who gossip about others. (她总是被一群爱八卦的贱女人围绕着。)
- He called her a bitch when she rejected his advances. (她拒绝了他的追求后,他骂她是个泼妇。)
- I can't stand her bitchiness; she's always making mean comments. (我受不了她的刻薄,她总是说一些恶意的评论。)
- The bitchy atmosphere in the office makes it difficult to work there. (办公室里刻薄的氛围让人难以工作。)
- He's such a bitch; he always tries to undermine my authority. (他真是个泼妇,总是试图破坏我的权威。)
- The bitch gave birth to a litter of adorable puppies. (那只母狗生下了一窝可爱的小狗。)
- She's always acting bitchy towards me for no reason. (她总是无故对我刻薄。)
- He's just a bitch; he can't handle any criticism. (他就是个软骨头,承受不了任何批评。)
- The little bitches were playing happily in the yard. (小母狗在院子里快乐地玩耍。)
- She's always surrounded by a group of bitches who gossip about others. (她总是被一群爱八卦的女人围绕着。)
- His comment was so bitchy that it ruined the entire evening. (他的评论太恶意了,搅得整个晚上都不愉快。)
- The bitches in the office are always spreading rumors. (办公室里的那些女人总是散播谣言。)
- She acts like a bitch sometimes, but deep down she's a good person. (她有时表现得像个泼妇,但内心深处是个好人。)
- My neighbor's bitchy attitude is making it hard for us to get along. (我邻居那刻薄的态度让我们难以相处。)