witches [名词](witch的复数形式)女巫;巫婆。
witches [形容词]女巫的;巫术的;魔法的。
witchy [形容词]女巫般的;像巫婆一样的。
witchcraft [名词]巫术;魔法;女巫的行为。
witchery [名词]女巫的特性;巫术;魔法。
witchlike [形容词]像女巫的;类似女巫的。
witching [形容词]魔法的;迷人的;令人着迷的。
witch-hunt [名词]巫术追捕;猎巫行动。
angel、saint、good person
witches [名词](in fairy stories)a woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people.
witches [名词](in stories)a woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people.
witches [名词]a woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people.
witches [名词](in stories)a woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people.
witches [形容词](in stories)connected with witches or witchcraft.
witches [名词]a woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people.
witches [名词](in stories)a woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people.
witches [名词](in stories)a woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people.
witches [名词](in stories)a woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or help other people.
witches [形容词](in stories)connected with witches or witchcraft.
- The village was once known for its witches and witchcraft. (这个村庄曾以女巫和巫术而闻名。)
- She dressed up as a witch for Halloween. (她在万圣节时装扮成女巫。)
- The old woman was believed to be a witch and was feared by the villagers. (这位老妇人被认为是个女巫,村民们都害怕她。)
- The children were enchanted by the witch's spell. (孩子们被女巫的咒语迷住了。)
- The witch cast a spell on the prince, turning him into a frog. (女巫对王子施了魔法,把他变成了一只青蛙。)
- The witch's cackle echoed through the haunted forest. (女巫的咯咯声在幽灵般的森林中回荡。)
- The town held a witch-hunt in search of the rumored witches. (镇上举行了一次巫术追捕行动,寻找传闻中的女巫。)
- The old woman was accused of being a witch and was burned at the stake. (这位老妇人被指控是个女巫,并被绑在火刑柱上烧死。)
- She has a collection of books on witches and witchcraft. (她有一大堆关于女巫和巫术的书。)
- Many fairy tales feature evil witches as the main villain. (许多童话故事以邪恶的女巫作为主要反派。)
- Her costume for the Halloween party was that of a sexy witch. (她在万圣节派对上的服装是性感女巫的打扮。)
- The movie tells the story of a young girl who discovers she has magical powers and becomes a witch. (这部电影讲述了一个年轻女孩发现自己拥有魔法力量,并成为女巫的故事。)
- The witch's curse cannot be broken until the full moon rises. (女巫的诅咒在满月升起之前无法解除。)
- The witch used her powers to create a potion that would grant eternal youth. (女巫利用她的力量制作了一种能赐予永恒青春的药水。)
- The villagers believed that the witch's spells could bring good fortune or misfortune. (村民们相信女巫的咒语可以带来好运或厄运。)
- The children were warned to stay away from the haunted house where the witch lived. (孩子们被警告不要靠近女巫住的闹鬼屋。)
- She was accused of practicing witchcraft and was sentenced to be burned at the stake. (她被指控从事巫术,并被判处绑在火刑柱上烧死。)
- The witch's black cat was believed to bring bad luck. (人们相信女巫的黑猫会带来厄运。)
- According to legend, the witch's house was hidden deep within the dark forest. (传说中,女巫的房子隐藏在黑暗的森林深处。)
- The witch's broomstick is a classic symbol of witchcraft. (女巫的扫帚是巫术的经典象征。)
- She joined a coven of witches and began practicing dark magic. (她加入了一个女巫团,并开始练习黑暗魔法。)
- The witch's cackle sent chills down their spines. (女巫的咯咯声让他们毛骨悚然。)