1. 令人痛苦的;令人心碎的 - 英文定义:extremely distressing or upsetting - 例句: 1. The documentary film depicted the harrowing conditions in the war-torn country. (这部纪录片描绘了那个饱经战争蹂躏的国家的惨状。) 2. She shared her harrowing experience of surviving a natural disaster. (她分享了自己在自然灾害中生存下来的惨痛经历。) 2. 折磨人的;痛苦的 - 英文定义:causing intense suffering - 例句: 1. The harrowing screams echoed through the haunted house. (令人痛苦的尖叫声在闹鬼的房子里回荡。) 2. The harrowing memories of his time in captivity haunted him for years. (那段被囚禁的痛苦记忆让他多年来备受困扰。)名词
1. 耙;耙机 - 英文定义:a farm implement consisting of a heavy frame with sharp teeth or disks, used to break up and level the soil - 例句: 1. The farmer used a harrowing machine to prepare the field for planting. (农民使用耙机来准备种植田地。) 2. They spent the day harrowing the field to ensure the soil was ready for cultivation. (他们花了一整天的时间耙地,确保土壤适合耕种。)词语辨析
- "harrowing"和"disturbing"的区别: - "harrowing"强调对人的精神或情感的极度痛苦或伤害; - "disturbing"强调对人的内心产生不安或不安定感。词汇扩充
- 形容词:distressing, traumatic, agonizing, tormenting, excruciating - 名词:plow, cultivator, disk harrow近义词
- distressing, traumatic, agonizing, tormenting, excruciating反义词
- pleasant, enjoyable, comforting, soothing柯林斯词典
- 英文定义:You can describe something such as a film or experience as harrowing when it makes you feel very shocked and upset. - 例句: 1. It was a harrowing experience and one I would not want to repeat. (那是一次令人痛苦的经历,我不想再重复。) 2. The film depicts the harrowing conditions faced by refugees. (这部电影描绘了难民所面临的惨状。)牛津词典
- 英文定义:Acutely distressing. - 例句: 1. The harrowing images of the war left a lasting impression on her. (战争的惨状给她留下了深刻的印象。) 2. The book tells the harrowing story of a family torn apart by tragedy. (这本书讲述了一家被悲剧撕裂的惨痛故事。)用法
- "harrowing"通常用来描述令人痛苦、心碎、令人震惊的经历、情境或影像。 - 可以用于形容电影、小说、回忆录、故事等文学作品,也可用于形容现实生活中的经历或事件。例句
- The harrowing tales of survival in the war zone moved the audience to tears. (那些在战区生存的惨痛故事令观众动容。)
- The documentary provided a harrowing account of the famine-stricken region. (这部纪录片详细描述了那个遭受饥荒的地区的惨状。)
- She went through a harrowing ordeal when her car skidded off the road. (她的车辆从路上滑出时,她经历了一场惨痛的磨难。)
- The survivors shared their harrowing experiences of the natural disaster. (幸存者们分享了他们在自然灾害中的惨痛经历。)
- The novel paints a harrowing picture of life in an oppressive regime. (这本小说描绘了极权政权下的生活的惨状。)
- The harrowing screams coming from the haunted house scared everyone away. (闹鬼的房子里传来的惨叫声吓跑了所有人。)
- His harrowing memories of the accident still haunt him. (事故的惨痛记忆仍然令他陷入困扰。)
- The victims' families went through a harrowing process of identification and grief. (受害者家属经历了一段惨痛的辨认和悲痛的过程。)
- The harrowing images of the war were seared into her memory. (战争的惨景深深地刻在她的记忆中。)
- They had a harrowing journey through the treacherous mountains. (他们经历了一段艰险的山区旅行。)
- The film provided a harrowing portrayal of the harsh realities faced by refugees. (这部电影生动地描绘了难民所面临的严酷现实。)
- She listened to the harrowing tales of the survivors with a heavy heart. (她怀着沉重的心情倾听幸存者们的惨痛故事。)
- The harrowing news of the accident spread quickly through the small town. (事故的惨痛消息迅速传遍了小镇。)
- After a harrowing day at work, she looked forward to a peaceful evening at home. (经历了一天的辛苦工作后,她期待着在家过一个宁静的晚上。)
- The harrowing scenes of violence in the movie may not be suitable for young children. (这部电影中的暴力场景可能不适合年幼的孩子。)
- He couldn't bear to watch the harrowing documentary about animal cruelty. (他无法忍受观看那部关于虐待动物的令人痛苦的纪录片。)
- The harrowing memories of her childhood abuse haunted her for years. (她童年受虐的惨痛回忆多年来一直困扰着她。)
- The survivors shared their harrowing stories of escape from the war zone. (幸存者们分享了他们从战区逃脱的惨痛经历。)
- She had a harrowing experience when her parachute failed to open during a skydiving jump. (她在进行跳伞时降落伞无法打开,经历了一段惨痛的经历。)
- He described the harrowing conditions in the prison camp with vivid detail. (他详细地描述了监狱营地的惨状。)
- The harrowing accounts of the survivors brought attention to the ongoing humanitarian crisis. (幸存者们的惨痛叙述引起了对持续发生的人道主义危机的关注。)