形容词: 1. (of animals) having a particular characteristic or set of characteristics as a result of selective breeding or natural selection. 2. (of plants) produced or improved by breeding. 名词: 1. a stock of animals or plants within a species having a distinctive appearance and typically having been developed by deliberate selection. 2. a particular kind of breed or group of breeds of domesticated animals or plants.词语辨析:
- breed, race, species: - breed: a group of animals or plants with similar characteristics that have been developed by selective breeding. - race: a group of people sharing the same nationality, traditions, culture, etc. - species: a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding. - breed, strain, variety: - breed: a specific type of animal or plant that has been developed by humans through selective breeding. - strain: a specific type or variety of a plant, virus, or bacterium. - variety: a particular kind or type of something. - breed, kind, type: - breed: a specific group of animals or plants that have been developed by humans through selective breeding. - kind: a category or group of things or people that share common characteristics. - type: a particular category or sort of something.词汇扩充:
- breedsman (名词): a person who breeds or raises animals or plants. - breeding (名词): the process of producing offspring through reproduction or selective mating. - breeder (名词): a person who breeds animals or plants, often for specific characteristics. - crossbreed (名词): an animal or plant produced by breeding two different breeds or species together. - inbreed (动词): to breed from closely related individuals, especially over many generations.近义词:
- strain - variety - race - stock反义词:
- mongrel - mixed breed柯林斯词典解释:
名词: 1. A breed of animal or plant is a particular type of that animal or plant. 2. If you refer to someone as a particular kind of breed, you mean that they have the qualities or characteristics mentioned. 3. A breed of animals is a group of animals of the same species that have been developed to have particular features or to perform a particular function. 4. If you refer to a particular breed of person or thing, you mean a group of people or things who share the same characteristics or qualities. 动词: 1. If animals breed, they have sex and produce young. 2. If someone breeds a type of animal or plant, they keep animals of that type in order to produce more animals of that type.牛津词典解释:
名词: 1. A stock of animals or plants within a species having a distinctive appearance and typically having been developed by deliberate selection. 2. A particular kind or group of animals or plants, typically within a species or breed, that is distinct in some way. 3. A sort, kind, or group. 4. A lineage or race of people. 动词: 1. (of animals) mate and then produce offspring. 2. Cause (an animal) to produce offspring, typically in a controlled and organized way. 3. Cause (a plant) to produce flowers or fruit or to develop buds.用法
- The dog breeder specializes in breeding different breeds of dogs. - The farm has a variety of breeds of cattle. - The labrador is a popular breed of dog. - He is a breedsman who raises champion horses. - The two breeds of roses have different colors. - She is a rare breed of politician.例句
- There are many different breeds of cats, each with its own unique characteristics. 有许多不同品种的猫,每个都有自己独特的特点。
- The farmer raises various breeds of chickens on his farm. 农民在农场里饲养各种品种的鸡。
- The Arabian horse is known for its speed and endurance, making it a highly sought-after breed. 阿拉伯马以其速度和耐力而闻名,使其成为一种备受追捧的品种。
- He is a successful breeder of prize-winning sheep. 他是一位培育获奖绵羊的成功饲养员。
- The crossbreed of a poodle and a Labrador is known as a Labradoodle. 波多黛尔犬和拉布拉多犬的杂交品种被称为Labradoodle。
- The farmer practices inbreeding to maintain the desired traits in his cattle. 农民通过近亲繁殖来保持牛的理想特征。
- She prefers the strain of tomato that is resistant to diseases. 她更喜欢那种抗病的番茄品种。
- There are different varieties of apples available at the market. 市场上有不同品种的苹果可供选择。
- He belongs to a race of people who have lived in this region for centuries. 他属于一个世世代代在这个地区生活的族群。
- He is a rare kind of artist who can work in multiple mediums. 他是一种罕见的艺术家,可以在多种媒介上工作。
- The type of car you choose depends on your personal preferences. 你选择的汽车类型取决于你个人的喜好。
- The dog bred with a poodle and produced a litter of puppies. 这只狗与一只贵宾犬交配,并生下了一窝小狗。
- She plans to breed her champion horse with a stallion from another farm. 她计划让她的冠军马与另一个农场的种马交配。
- The gardener has successfully bred a new variety of roses. 这位园艺师成功地培育出一种新的玫瑰品种。
- The flowers will not breed unless they are pollinated by bees. 除非被蜜蜂授粉,否则花朵将无法繁殖。
- She is a breed apart from other politicians, always putting the needs of the people first. 她与其他政治家不同,总是把人民的需求放在第一位。
- The city is known for its breed of talented musicians. 这个城市以其才华横溢的音乐家而闻名。
- He comes from a breed of entrepreneurs who are not afraid to take risks. 他来自一批不怕冒险的企业家。
- The breed of sheep on this farm produces high-quality wool. 这个农场饲养的绵羊品种产生高质量的羊毛。
- She is a breed of athlete who excels in multiple sports. 她是一种在多项运动中表现出色的运动员。
- The company aims to breed a new generation of leaders through its training program. 公司旨在通过培训计划培养出一批新一代的领导者。