cathartic [kæˈθɑːrtɪk] 1. 通便的;泻药的 2. 宣泄的;有导泻作用的 3. 情感宣泄的;宣泄性的名词
cathartic [kəˈθɑːrtɪk] 1. 通便剂;泻药 2. 宣泄剂;宣泄性物质 3. 宣泄;发泄词语辨析
- cathartic与purgative都可作为形容词,表示“通便的;泻药的”。但词汇扩充
- catharsis [kəˈθɑːrsɪs]:名词,宣泄;宣泄作用 - cathartically [kəˈθɑːrtɪkli]:副词,宣泄地;泻药地近义词
- laxative [ˈlæksətɪv]:泻药 - purgative [ˈpɜːrɡətɪv]:泻药;通便剂 - evacuant [ɪˈvækjuənt]:泻药;通便剂 - aperient [əˈpɪriənt]:泻药;轻度泻药反义词
- constipative [kənˈstɪpeɪtɪv]:便秘的;止便的柯林斯词典
【形容词】 1. If you describe an experience as cathartic, you mean that it provides a way of getting rid of strong emotions and feelings that have been repressed. - The play was a cathartic experience for her. (这出戏对她来说是一次宣泄性的经历。) 【名词】 1. A cathartic is a drug that makes you empty your bowels. - He suggests trying a cathartic to help cleanse your body. (他建议尝试一种泻药来帮助清洁身体。)牛津词典
【形容词】 1. Providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions; causing catharsis. - The cathartic nature of the production helped the cast release their emotions. (这个制作的宣泄性质帮助演员释放情感。) 【名词】 1. A purgative drug. - The doctor prescribed a mild cathartic. (医生开了一种温和的泻药。) 【动词】 1. Cleanse (someone) of their emotions through the experiencing or witnessing of strong emotions. - She wrote lyrically, cathartically purging herself of her intense grief. (她抒情地写作,宣泄着她强烈的悲伤。)用法
- The therapy session provided a cathartic release for the patient. (治疗课程为患者提供了一种宣泄。) - Writing in her journal felt cathartic after a long day. (经历了漫长的一天后,写日记感觉宣泄。) - The movie's emotional ending was cathartic for the audience. (电影的情感结尾对观众来说是一种宣泄。) - The doctor prescribed a cathartic to relieve the patient's constipation. (医生开了一种泻药来缓解患者的便秘。)例句
- This therapy is a cathartic experience for those dealing with trauma. - 这种疗法对于那些正在处理创伤的人来说是一种宣泄经历。
- Many people find that crying can be cathartic and help release pent-up emotions. - 许多人发现哭泣可以宣泄并帮助释放被压抑的情绪。
- Writing in a journal can be a cathartic way to express thoughts and emotions. - 在日记中写作可以是一种宣泄思想和情感的方式。
- She described the therapy session as a cathartic release of her anger and frustration. - 她把治疗课程描述为她愤怒和沮丧的宣泄。
- After a week of stress, she found cleaning the house to be cathartic and calming. - 经过一周的压力,她发现打扫房子是一种宣泄和平静的方式。
- The therapist encouraged her to engage in cathartic activities such as painting or dancing. - 治疗师鼓励她参与绘画或跳舞等宣泄性活动。
- The emotional film provided a cathartic experience for the audience. - 这部情感电影为观众提供了一种宣泄的经历。
- She felt a cathartic release after confronting her fears. - 在面对她的恐惧后,她感到一种宣泄。
- He found running to be a cathartic way to clear his mind and relieve stress. - 他发现跑步是一种清理思绪和缓解压力的宣泄方式。
- Listening to loud music can be a cathartic experience for some people. - 对一些人来说,听响亮的音乐可以是一种宣泄的经历。
- She experienced a cathartic release of emotion during the therapy session. - 她在治疗课程中经历了情感的宣泄。
- Writing a letter to her ex-boyfriend was a cathartic way for her to express her feelings. - 给她的前男友写信是她表达感情的一种宣泄方式。
- He found punching a punching bag to be cathartic and a way to release anger. - 他发现打沙袋是一种宣泄和释放愤怒的方式。
- After a long day at work, she found going for a run to be cathartic and a way to clear her mind. - 经过一天漫长的工作后,她发现跑步是一种宣泄和清理思绪的方式。
- The therapy session provided a cathartic outlet for her grief. - 治疗课程为她的悲伤提供了一种宣泄的出口。
- Shouting into the empty field was a cathartic way for him to release his frustrations. - 对着空旷的田野大喊大叫是他宣泄沮丧的一种方式。
- He found painting to be a cathartic activity that allowed him to express his emotions. - 他发现绘画是一种宣泄活动,可以让他表达情感。
- Some people find watching sad movies to be cathartic and a way to release emotions. - 一些人发现看悲伤的电影是一种宣泄和情感释放的方式。
- She described the therapy session as a cathartic experience that helped her let go of past traumas. - 她将治疗课程描述为一种宣泄的经历,帮助她放下过去的创伤。
- He found talking to a therapist to be cathartic and a way to process his emotions. - 他发现与治疗师交谈是一种宣泄和处理情感的方式。