1. 正在发展的;发展中的
英文解释:Growing or changing and becoming more advanced.
- China is a developing country.
- 中国是一个发展中国家。
- The company focuses on developing new technologies.
- 该公司专注于开发新技术。
2. 有潜力的;有发展前途的
英文解释:Having the potential to become successful or advanced in the future.
- He is a developing talent in the field of music.
- 他是音乐领域中一位有潜力的新秀。
- The team is made up of young, developing players.
- 这支队伍由年轻的有发展潜力的球员组成。
1. 发展中的国家
英文解释:A country that is in the process of becoming more advanced.
- Many developing countries face challenges in improving their economy.
- 许多发展中国家面临着改善经济的挑战。
- The conference aimed to address the issues faced by developing nations.
- 这次会议旨在解决发展中国家所面临的问题。
2. 发展;进展
英文解释:The process of becoming more advanced or making progress.
- The development of renewable energy sources is crucial for a sustainable future.
- 可再生能源的发展对于可持续发展至关重要。
- She has made great developments in her career over the past year.
- 她在过去一年里在职业生涯上取得了巨大的进展。
1. underdeveloped:发展不充分的,欠发达的
2. development:发展,开发
3. developmental:发展的,成长的
4. developer:开发者,开发商
1. growing:增长中的,不断扩大的
2. progressing:进展中的,前进的
3. advancing:前进的,进展的
developing (adjective)
- If you describe a country or area as developing, you mean that it is poor and does not yet have a lot of industry or modern technology, but may soon become richer and have more industry.
- If you describe a situation or problem as developing, you mean that it is beginning to happen or be discussed.
developing (adjective)
- (of a country) having a low industrial base and little modern technology.
- (of an idea or situation) beginning to grow or be realized.
1. developing作为形容词,用来描述国家、地区或经济状态的不断发展。
2. developing作为名词,表示“发展中的国家”或“发展;进展”的意思。
3. developing也可用作动词develop的现在分词形式,表示正在发展或进行中的状态。
- The government is investing in education to support the developing economy.
- 政府正在投资教育,以支持发展中的经济。
- Many developing countries face challenges in improving their infrastructure.
- 许多发展中国家在改善基础设施方面面临着挑战。
- The company is focused on developing new technologies to stay competitive.
- 该公司专注于开发新技术以保持竞争力。
- The developing world needs access to affordable healthcare.
- 发展中国家需要获得可负担的医疗保健。
- She is a developing talent in the field of fashion design.
- 她是时尚设计领域的一位有潜力的新秀。
- The conference provided a platform for developing nations to share their experiences.
- 这次会议为发展中国家提供了一个分享经验的平台。
- There has been significant development in renewable energy technology.
- 可再生能源技术有了重大的发展。
- The city is undergoing rapid urban development.
- 这个城市正在进行快速的城市发展。
- She is devoted to the development of children's education.
- 她致力于儿童教育的发展。
- The situation is still developing, and we will update you as soon as we have more information.
- 这种情况仍在发展中,我们一有更多信息就会向您更新。
- The developing trend of digital marketing is reshaping the advertising industry.
- 数字营销的发展趋势正在重塑广告行业。
- He has a keen interest in the development of artificial intelligence.
- 他对人工智能的发展非常感兴趣。
- The company is seeking investment opportunities in developing markets.
- 该公司正在寻找发展中市场的投资机会。
- She has been actively involved in the development of sustainable agriculture.
- 她一直积极参与可持续农业的发展。
- They are planning to establish a research center for the development of renewable energy.
- 他们计划建立一个可再生能源研究中心。
- The government is implementing policies to promote the development of small businesses.
- 政府正在实施促进小企业发展的政策。
- The developing situation requires immediate action.
- 发展中的情况需要立即采取行动。