1. 小个子的;矮小的
英文释义:Very small of its kind; tiny.
- He was a midget, barely reaching five feet tall.
- 他是个小个子,身高不到五英尺。
2. 不重要的;微不足道的
英文释义:Insignificant; unimportant.
- The company's profits were midget compared to its competitors.
- 与竞争对手相比,该公司的利润微不足道。
1. 矮子;矮小的人
英文释义:A person who is abnormally small in stature.
- She became a successful actress despite being a midget.
- 尽管她是个矮子,但她成为了一位成功的演员。
2. 迷你体育运动员
英文释义:A participant in a sport or competition who is smaller than the average size for their age or category.
- The midgets performed exceptionally well in the gymnastics competition.
- 这些迷你体操运动员在比赛中表现出色。
在名词意义上,midget 与 dwarf 都可以用来指代矮小的人,但 dwarf 更常用于指代患有侏儒症的人。
英文释义:A person with a condition causing them to be abnormally small in stature, typically with the limbs and proportions of an average-sized person.
- The dwarf worked as an actor in a fantasy film.
- 这个侏儒在一部奇幻电影中担任演员。
1. 侏儒(名词):a dwarf
2. 矮小的(形容词):short; diminutive
3. 矮人(名词):short person; little person
4. 迷你的(形容词):miniature; tiny
short person, dwarf, diminutive, tiny, small, little
tall person, giant, lofty, towering
midget (noun)
1. A midget is a person who is very short and who is generally considered to be offensive.
2. In the past, people used the word midget to refer to something that was very small.
midget (adjective)
1. Midget is used to describe something that is very small.
2. If you describe something as midget, you think it is unimportant or not very impressive.
midget (noun)
1. A person who is very small and often deformed.
midget (adjective)
1. Very small of its kind; tiny.
2. Insignificant; unimportant.
1. The term "midget" is considered offensive and should be avoided. It is more appropriate to use terms like "short person" or "little person" when referring to someone of small stature.
2. In sports, "midget" is sometimes used to describe a category or division for participants who are smaller than average for their age group.
3. The adjective "midget" can be used to describe something that is very small in size or unimportant in significance.
- The midgets performed acrobatic tricks at the circus.
- 这些矮小的人在马戏团表演杂技。
- She was born with a rare condition that caused her to be a midget.
- 她天生患有一种罕见病,使她成为一个侏儒。
- The midget wrestler was a crowd favorite.
- 这个迷你摔跤选手是观众的宠儿。
- Despite his midget status, he excelled in basketball.
- 尽管身材矮小,他在篮球方面表现出色。
- Don't underestimate her; she may be a midget, but she's very intelligent.
- 不要小看她,她虽然个子矮,但非常聪明。
- The company's profits were midget compared to its competitors.
- 与竞争对手相比,该公司的利润微不足道。
- He was a midget, barely reaching five feet tall.
- 他是个小个子,身高不到五英尺。
- The midget car race attracted a large audience.
- 迷你赛车比赛吸引了大批观众。
- The midgets played a role in the fantasy movie.
- 这些侏儒在奇幻电影中扮演了角色。
- She became a successful actress despite being a midget.
- 尽管她是个矮子,但她成为了一位成功的演员。
- He collects midget models of famous landmarks from around the world.
- 他收集世界各地著名地标的迷你模型。