matured [adj.]
- (指人) 成熟的,成年人的
- (指动物) 长大的,成熟的
- (指植物) 成熟的,结果的
- (指产品、酒等) (经过一定时间的)发酵的,成熟的
- (指贷款、债券等) 到期的,到期应付的
- (指思想、观点等) 成熟的,深思熟虑的
matured [n.]
- 成熟期,到期日
与matured相关的词汇有:maturity [n.],mature [v.]。
matured [adj.]
- having reached full growth or development
- (of a financial instrument) having become due for payment or repayment
- (of a bond) having become due for redemption
- (of certain plant parts) having reached full development; adult
- fully considered; perfected
- produced as a result of long careful thought; matured plan
- liqueur that has been matured in wood
- (of a river valley or land surface) exhibiting the mature stage of a typical cycle of erosion
matured [adj.]
- fully developed physically; full-grown
- having reached an advanced stage of mental or emotional development characteristic of an adult
- fully developed; perfected
- (of a debt or other sum of money) become due for payment
- (of certain plant parts) become fully developed or ripe
- (of a security) become due for payment
- ripe and fully flavored
- The matured woman handled the situation with grace. (那位成熟的女人优雅地应对了这一情况。)
- He has become a matured and responsible adult. (他已经成为一个成熟负责任的成年人。)
- The matured plant bore fruit. (这棵成熟的植物结出了果实。)
- The cheese tasted better after it had matured. (奶酪经过成熟后,味道更好。)
- The matured loan has to be repaid next month. (到期的贷款需要在下个月偿还。)
- His matured ideas impressed the audience. (他成熟的观点给观众留下了深刻的印象。)
- The wine has matured in oak barrels for five years. (这款酒在橡木桶中陈酿了五年。)
- This landscape represents a matured river valley. (这个风景代表了一个成熟的河谷。)
- The investment will yield returns when the bond has matured. (债券到期后,该投资将产生回报。)
- The fruit needs to be matured before it is picked. (水果在采摘前需要成熟。)
- The matured debt must be settled by the end of this month. (到期的债务必须在本月底解决。)
- The matured flavors of the dish delighted the taste buds. (这道菜的成熟味道让味蕾愉悦。)
- The matured stage of erosion can be observed in this landscape. (这个风景中可以观察到侵蚀的成熟阶段。)
- After years of reflection, his plan finally matured. (经过多年的深思熟虑,他的计划终于成熟了。)
- She showed matured judgment in handling the crisis. (她在处理危机时表现出成熟的判断力。)
- The matured wine had a rich and complex flavor. (这款陈年的酒口感浓郁且复杂。)
- The matured company has a stable customer base. (这家成熟的公司有一个稳定的客户群体。)
- His matured reasoning convinced everyone. (他成熟的推理使每个人都信服。)
- As the matured loan approached its due date, the borrower prepared to make the repayment. (随着到期日的临近,借款人准备归还这笔到期的贷款。)
- The matured fruit was picked and sold at the market. (成熟的水果被采摘并在市场上出售。)
- The matured bond will be redeemed next week. (到期的债券将在下周兑付。)