discretionary- 中文:自主决定的,任意的
- 英文:subject to one's own discretion or judgment; optional
1. 判断力;谨慎- 中文:谨慎;判断力
- 英文:the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information; the freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation
- 中文:谨慎性
- 英文:the quality of being discreet and careful in one's actions and speech, especially to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage
- 中文:自由裁量权
- 英文:the freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation
discretion vs. prudence- discretion强调从中选择恰当的行动,特别是在避免冒犯他人或泄露私密信息的情况下。
- prudence强调谨慎和审慎,尤其是在处理金钱、资源或决策时。
- discretion指的是根据情况自由选择应采取的行动。
- choice强调在给出的选项中进行选择。
discretionary- 中文:任意的
- 英文:left to one's own discretion or judgment; optional
- 中文:行使判断力
- 英文:to make decisions based on one's own judgment
- 中文:由某人决定
- 英文:according to someone's decision or judgment
prudence- 中文:谨慎
- 英文:carefulness, caution, circumspection
- 中文:判断力
- 英文:discernment, wisdom, acumen
indiscretion- 中文:轻率
- 英文:carelessness, imprudence, recklessness
discretion (noun)
1. the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information
2. the freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation
3. the quality of being discreet and careful in one's actions and speech, especially to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage
discretion (noun)
1. the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information
2. the freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation
3. the quality of being discreet and careful in one's actions and speech, especially to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage
at the discretion of someone
exercise discretion
with discretion
- Use your discretion when dealing with sensitive information. (在处理敏感信息时,请谨慎行事。)
- The judge has the discretion to impose a sentence. (法官有权决定刑罚。)
- I trust your discretion to handle this matter confidentially. (我相信你会谨慎处理此事,保密。)
- He exercised his discretion and chose not to reveal the information. (他行使了他的判断力,选择不透露该信息。)
- She acted with great discretion, avoiding any unnecessary conflicts. (她表现得非常谨慎,避免了不必要的冲突。)
- It is at the professor's discretion whether to accept late assignments. (是否接受迟交的作业由教授自行决定。)
- You can use the funds at your own discretion. (你可以自行决定如何使用这些资金。)
- We need to proceed with caution and exercise discretion in this delicate situation. (在这种微妙的情况下,我们需要谨慎行事并行使判断力。)
- He handled the delicate matter with great discretion. (他非常谨慎地处理了这个微妙的问题。)
- Her indiscretion led to the downfall of her career. (她的轻率行为导致了她事业的失败。)
- It is important for public figures to exercise discretion in their public statements. (公众人物在其公开言论中行使判断力非常重要。)
- The company grants discretionary bonuses based on performance. (公司根据绩效发放自主决定的奖金。)
- He used his discretion to make the best decision for the team. (他运用自己的判断力为团队做出了最佳决策。)
- The discretion of the police officer allowed him to handle the situation without causing further conflict. (警察的判断力使他能够在不引发更多冲突的情况下处理这个情况。)
- The teacher has the discretion to give extra credit for exceptional work. (老师有权根据学生的出色表现给予额外学分。)
- She used her discretion and decided not to attend the event. (她行使了自己的判断力,决定不参加这个活动。)
- The board has the discretion to approve or reject the proposed budget. (董事会有权批准或拒绝拟议的预算。)
- With discretion, the manager handled the sensitive issue with tact and professionalism. (经理谨慎地处理了这个敏感问题,具备了技巧和专业性。)
- The employee was given discretionary powers to make decisions on behalf of the company. (该员工被赋予了代表公司做出决策的自主权。)
- The discretion of the judge is crucial in determining the outcome of the trial. (法官的判断力在决定审判结果方面至关重要。)
- He used his discretionary income to travel and explore new places. (他利用他的自由支配收入来旅行和探索新地方。)