boast [bəʊst]
- 动词
- 自吹自擂;夸耀
- 以有…而自豪
- 名词
- 自夸;吹牛
- 值得夸耀的事物
boastful [ˈbəʊstfʊl]
boaster [ˈbəʊstər]
boast 和 brag 都可表示自夸,但 boast 更常用,更普通,并且没有 brag 的贬义。brag 侧重夸大其词,夸张,自吹自擂。
boast about/over sth. 对某事夸耀;以某事自豪
brag, swagger, vaunt
humble, modest
boast [verb]
- If someone boasts about something that they have done or that they own, they talk about it very proudly, in a way that other people may find irritating or offensive.
- If you say that someone or something boasts a particular quality or feature, you mean that they have it.
- A boast is a statement in which someone talks with a lot of pride about something that they have done or that they own.
- If you say that someone has many reasons to feel proud, you can say that they have a lot to boast about or that they have much to boast of.
boast [verb]
- Talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities.
- An act of talking with excessive pride and self-satisfaction.
boast about/over something
They are always boasting about their success.
boast that…
He boasted that he could swim faster than anyone else.
boast of something
She boasted of her ability to speak seven languages.
boast + wh- word
He boasted about how much money he had made.
boast + that- clause
She boasted that she had won the competition.
boast + infinitive
He boasted to be the best player on the team.
- He always boasts about his achievements. 他总是夸耀自己的成就。
- She boasted of her new car. 她夸耀她的新车。
- I don't mean to boast, but I am the best dancer in the group. 我并不是要吹嘘,但我是这个团体里最好的舞者。
- He boasted that he could run faster than anyone else. 他夸口说他能跑得比任何人都快。
- She had nothing to boast about; her performance was average. 她没有什么值得夸耀的;她的表演很平庸。
- Despite their boastful claims, their product is not superior to others. 尽管他们吹嘘自己的产品,但它并不比其他产品更好。
- He has much to boast of in his career. 他在事业上有很多值得自豪的东西。
- The athlete boasted about his record-breaking performance. 运动员为自己打破纪录的表现而吹嘘。
- She is always boasting about how much money she earns. 她总是吹嘘自己挣了多少钱。
- He boasted that he had never lost a game. 他夸耀自己从未输过一场比赛。
- They boast of having the most advanced technology. 他们以拥有最先进的技术而自豪。
- Despite his boasts, he couldn't complete the task. 尽管他吹嘘,他却不能完成任务。
- She boasted to be the fastest runner in the race. 她吹嘘自己是这场比赛中跑得最快的。
- He boasted that he had climbed the highest mountain in the world. 他夸口说他爬过了世界上最高的山峰。
- She boasted that she had the biggest house on the block. 她夸耀她在街区里有最大的房子。
- Despite her boasts, she couldn't solve the puzzle. 尽管她吹嘘,她却不能解决这个谜题。
- The company boasts a team of highly skilled professionals. 公司以拥有一支高技能的专业团队而自豪。
- They boast an impressive collection of artwork. 他们拥有一批令人印象深刻的艺术品。
- He boasted of his ability to speak five languages fluently. 他夸耀自己能流利地讲五种语言。
- The politician boasted about his achievements during his campaign. 这位政治家在竞选期间吹嘘自己的成就。