beaked /biːkt/ - 具有喙状的
例句:The beaked end of the tool was used to pry open the box.(工具的喙状末端被用来撬开盒子。)
beak /biːk/ - 鸟嘴
例句:The bird's beak is designed for cracking open seeds.(这种鸟的嘴巴适合打开种子。)
beak /biːk/ - (尤指)鸟嘴、鸟嘴状物体
例句:The toucan has a large colorful beak.(巨嘴鸟有一只大而且五颜六色的嘴。)
beak /biːk/ - (尤指)船头的突出部分
例句:The ship's beak sliced through the water.(船头的突出部分在水中划过。)
beak /biːk/ - (尤指)狗、鹰等的口
例句:The dog's beak was dripping with saliva.(狗的口中流着口水。)
beak vs. bill
beakless /ˈbiːkləs/ - 无嘴的
beaklike /ˈbiːklaɪk/ - 像鸟嘴的
snout /snaʊt/ - 长嘴、鼻子
proboscis /prəˈbɑːsɪs/ - (昆虫等的)吻、鼻子
tail /teɪl/ - 尾巴
beak - 1. (of birds) the projecting jaws of a bird, covered with a horny sheath; 2. the corresponding jaws of some other animals, such as turtles; 3. any beaklike mouthpart in other animals; 4. the human nose, esp when large, congested, or distorted; 5. (in England) a magistrate or schoolmaster
beak - 1. the hard pointed or curved outer part of a bird's mouth; 2. a person's nose, especially when it is large or hooked; 3. the pointed or curved part of a tool or weapon; 4. the prow of a ship; 5. a magistrate or schoolmaster, especially a strict one; 6. the bill of a bird, especially a parrot or other large bird
beak 作为名词时,常用于描述鸟类的嘴巴,可以用来指代某些动物的嘴巴、船头的突出部分,甚至指代人的鼻子。作为动词时,beak表示“用嘴巴撬开或夹住”,常用于描述鸟类的动作。
- The eagle swooped down and caught the fish in its beak.(鹰俯冲下来,用嘴巴夹住了鱼。)
- The toucan has a brightly colored beak.(巨嘴鸟有一只色彩鲜艳的喙。)
- The ship's beak cut through the waves.(船头划破了波浪。)
- The dog's beak was covered in mud.(狗的口上沾满了泥土。)
- The parrot used its beak to crack open the nut.(鹦鹉用嘴巴打开坚果。)
- The beak of the turtle is sharp and pointed.(乌龟的嘴巴尖锐而尖利。)
- His large beak made him an easy target for teasing.(他那个大鼻子让他成为一个容易被取笑的目标。)
- The beak of the crane is long and slender.(鹤的嘴巴长而细。)
- The magistrate was known for his stern beak.(这位法官因其严厉的嘴脸而闻名。)
- The bird used its beak to build a nest.(这只鸟用嘴巴筑巢。)
- The ship's beak was adorned with intricate carvings.(船头装饰着复杂精美的雕刻。)
- The beak of the pelican can hold large amounts of fish.(鹈鹕的嘴巴可以装下大量的鱼。)
- The beak of the hammer was used to pry open the crate.(锤子的喙状部分被用来撬开木箱。)
- The beak of the pliers was used to bend the wire.(钳子的喙状部分被用来弯曲铁丝。)
- The bird's beak was stained red from eating berries.(这只鸟的嘴巴因为吃浆果而染红。)
- The old man had a crooked beak.(老人的鼻子弯曲。)
- The beak of the ship cut through the fog.(船头划破了迷雾。)
- The beak of the eagle is sharp and deadly.(鹰的喙尖锐而致命。)
- The beak of the vise held the piece of wood in place.(卡钳的喙状部分将木头固定在原位。)
- The bird used its beak to peck at the ground.(鸟用嘴巴啄地。)
- The beak of the crane is used to catch fish.(鹤的嘴巴被用来捕鱼。)