形容词 (Adjective)
名词 (Noun)
不同含义 (Different Meanings)
词语辨析 (Word Differentiation)
standpoint和point of view都可以表示“观点”,但standpoint更强调立场或角度。
词汇扩充 (Vocabulary Expansion)
近义词 (Synonyms)
反义词 (Antonyms)
柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
standpoint (noun)
- A standpoint is a general attitude, point of view, or way of thinking about things.
- Your standpoint is your opinion about something, especially when it is influenced by the kind of person you are.
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
standpoint (noun)
- A particular attitude or way of considering a matter.
- A point of view.
用法 (Usage)
相关例句 (Example Sentences)
- From an economic standpoint, this decision makes sense. (从经济角度来看,这个决定有道理。)
- He defended his actions from his own standpoint. (他从自己的角度为自己的行为进行了辩护。)
- We need to consider this problem from different standpoints. (我们需要从不同的观点来考虑这个问题。)
- Her standpoint on the issue has changed over time. (她对这个问题的立场随时间改变了。)
- Looking at the situation from an outsider's standpoint, it's easy to see the flaws in their plan. (从一个局外人的角度来看,很容易看出他们计划的缺点。)
- Considering the problem from an ethical standpoint, their actions are highly questionable. (从伦理的角度来看,他们的行为非常值得质疑。)
- She tried to convince him to change his standpoint on the matter. (她试图说服他改变对这件事的立场。)
- It's important to take into account the cultural standpoint when analyzing this phenomenon. (在分析这个现象时,考虑到文化视角是很重要的。)
- From a historical standpoint, this event was a turning point. (从历史的角度来看,这个事件是一个转折点。)
- The two politicians have completely opposite standpoints on this issue. (这两位政治家在这个问题上完全持相反的观点。)
- His standpoint is influenced by his personal experiences. (他的观点受到他个人经历的影响。)
- When analyzing a complex problem, it's important to consider it from multiple standpoints. (在分析一个复杂的问题时,从多个角度来考虑是很重要的。)
- She approached the issue from a scientific standpoint. (她从科学的角度来处理这个问题。)
- The author presents different standpoints on the topic in his book. (作者在他的书中提出了关于这个主题的不同观点。)
- He has a conservative standpoint on social issues. (他在社会问题上有保守的观点。)
- Considering the issue from an economic standpoint, the proposed solution is not feasible. (从经济角度来看,这个提议的解决方案是不可行的。)
- They have taken a more progressive standpoint on environmental issues. (他们在环境问题上采取了更为进步的立场。)
- Her standpoint is influenced by her religious beliefs. (她的观点受到她的宗教信仰的影响。)
- The decision was made from a practical standpoint. (这个决定是从实际的角度来做出的。)
- He argued his standpoint with strong evidence. (他用有力的证据来辩护他的观点。)
- From a historical standpoint, this event had significant consequences. (从历史的角度来看,这个事件有重大的后果。)