1. dissect
[形] 经过解剖的;解刨的
- She conducted a dissect analysis of the frog in biology class. (她在生物课上对青蛙进行了解剖分析。)
- The students were shown a dissect human body in the anatomy lab. (学生们在解剖室看到了一个解剖过的人体。)
1. dissect
[名] 解剖;解剖学
- His passion for biology led him to study dissect. (他对生物学的热情使他开始研究解剖学。)
- The dissect of the cadaver revealed important information about the cause of death. (对尸体的解剖揭示了关于死亡原因的重要信息。)
- analyze
- examine
- explore
- investigate
- assemble
- construct
- synthesize
dissect (verb)
1. If someone dissects the body of a dead person or animal, they cut it up in order to examine it scientifically. (如果某人解剖死者或动物的尸体,他们会将其切开以便进行科学检查。)
2. If you dissect a theory or a statement, you examine and criticize it carefully. (如果你剖析一个理论或陈述,你会仔细地检查和批评它。)
dissect (noun)
1. the act of dissecting (解剖的行为)
dissect (verb)
1. Methodically cut up (a body, part, or plant) in order to study its internal parts. (有条理地切开(身体、部分或植物),以研究其内部构造。)
2. Analyze (something) in minute detail. (详细分析某事物)
1. dissect something into something: The book dissects a lifetime of work into a dozen themes. (这本书将一生的工作拆解成十几个主题。)
2. dissect something to do something: In the first chapter, the author dissects the nature of friendship. (在第一章中,作者剖析了友谊的本质。)
3. dissect something from something: He dissects the film from every possible angle. (他从各个可能的角度剖析了这部电影。)
4. dissect something out: The heart was dissected out and weighed. (心脏被解剖出来并称重。)
5. dissect something open: The fruit was dissected open to reveal the seeds inside. (水果被切开以揭示内部的种子。)
6. dissect something alive: Scientists would dissect a living animal to study its anatomy. (科学家会解剖一只活体动物来研究其解剖学。)
- The pathologist dissected the tumor to determine its origin. (病理学家解剖了肿瘤以确定其起源。)
- The professor dissected the arguments made by the opposing side. (教授剖析了反对方提出的观点。)
- She dissected the plot of the novel, revealing its underlying themes. (她剖析了这本小说的情节,揭示了其潜在主题。)
- The biology students were tasked with dissecting a frog in the lab. (生物学学生在实验室中被要求解剖一只青蛙。)
- They dissected the data collected from the experiment in order to draw conclusions. (他们剖析了实验收集的数据以得出结论。)
- The surgeon skillfully dissected the patient's organ during the operation. (外科医生在手术中熟练地解剖了病人的器官。)
- The dissect of the crime scene revealed important clues. (对犯罪现场的解剖揭示了重要线索。)
- She decided to dissect the poem line by line to fully understand its meaning. (她决定逐行解析这首诗,以充分理解其含义。)
- The anatomy class will dissect a pig to study its internal organs. (解剖学课上将解剖一只猪以研究其内脏器官。)
- He carefully dissected the argument and presented counterarguments. (他仔细剖析了这个论点,并提出了反驳意见。)
- The scientist dissected the specimen under a microscope. (科学家在显微镜下解剖了标本。)
- They decided to dissect the project into smaller tasks to make it more manageable. (他们决定将项目拆分为较小的任务,以便更容易管理。)
- She dissected the painting, discussing each brushstroke and color choice. (她剖析了这幅画,讨论了每一笔和颜色的选择。)
- The professor dissected the novel, analyzing its themes and symbolism. (教授剖析了这本小说,分析其主题和象征意义。)
- The students were excited to dissect a real human heart in their anatomy class. (学生们在解剖学课上兴奋地解剖了一颗真正的人心。)
- He dissected the company's financial statements to find areas of improvement. (他剖析了公司的财务报表,以寻找改进的方向。)
- She dissected the speech, highlighting the flaws in the speaker's argument. (她剖析了演讲,突出了演讲者论点的缺陷。)
- The scientist dissected the insect to study its internal anatomy. (科学家解剖了昆虫以研究其内部解剖学。)
- They decided to dissect the research findings and present them in separate sections. (他们决定剖析研究结果,并将其分别呈现在不同的部分。)
- He carefully dissected the argument, evaluating each point individually. (他仔细剖析了这个论点,逐个评估每一个观点。)
- The biology teacher demonstrated how to dissect a flower to the students. (生物老师向学生们演示了如何解剖一朵花。)