exhausted: 筋疲力尽的,精疲力竭的
exhausting: 令人筋疲力尽的,使人精疲力竭的
1. 筋疲力尽,精疲力竭
exhaustion is the state of being extremely tired physically or mentally.
2. 耗尽,枯竭
exhaustion is the state of using all of something or using it completely.
fatigue: 疲劳,疲乏
weariness: 疲倦,疲惫
lassitude: 疲倦,无力
refreshment: 恢复,精力恢复
revitalization: 使恢复元气,使恢复活力
exhaustion (noun): the state of being exhausted; extreme tiredness; the act of exhausting or the state of being exhausted; the act of using up completely; the act of exhausting a subject or topic; the act of extracting or removing something
exhaustion (noun): a state of extreme physical or mental tiredness; the action or state of using something up or of being used up completely; the action or state of using a particular subject, supply, or resource completely, so that nothing is left; the action or state of making someone feel very tired; the action or state of removing or extracting something
I'm suffering from exhaustion after working long hours. (我因工作时间过长而感到筋疲力尽。)
The exhaustion of our natural resources is a pressing issue. (自然资源的枯竭是一个紧迫的问题。)
- I collapsed from exhaustion after running the marathon. (我在跑完马拉松后因筋疲力尽而晕倒了。)
- He was suffering from mental exhaustion due to stress at work. (他因工作压力而遭受心理疲劳。)
- The exhausting hike left us completely exhausted. (令人筋疲力尽的徒步旅行使我们彻底精疲力竭。)
- Her constant demands exhausted his patience. (她不断的要求使他的耐心耗尽了。)
- The marathon runners showed signs of exhaustion as they crossed the finish line. (马拉松选手们在冲过终点线时显示出筋疲力尽的迹象。)
- The exhaustion of the oil reserves is a major concern for the country. (石油储备的耗尽是该国的一大关注点。)
- The exhaustion of the topic was evident in his repetitive arguments. (他反复的论点表明了这个话题的耗尽。)
- After hours of exhaustive research, she finally found the solution. (经过数小时的详尽研究,她终于找到了解决办法。)
- The soldiers were suffering from fatigue after days of continuous fighting. (士兵们在连续作战数日后遭受疲劳。)
- The long journey left us with a feeling of weariness. (漫长的旅途使我们感到疲倦。)
- She couldn't concentrate on her work due to a sense of lassitude. (她因感到疲倦而无法专心工作。)
- After a short break, he felt a sense of refreshment and was ready to continue. (短暂休息后,他感到精神焕发,准备继续。)
- A vacation can provide the necessary revitalization for a tired mind and body. (度假可以为疲惫的身心提供必要的恢复。)
- The exhaustion of the coal deposits is a serious issue for the mining industry. (煤炭储量的枯竭对矿业是一个严重问题。)
- The team's exhaustion was evident after playing multiple games in a short period of time. (球队在短时间内进行多场比赛后,疲惫不堪可见。)
- The exhaustion of natural resources poses a threat to future generations. (自然资源的耗尽对未来的世代构成威胁。)
- The exhaustion of the topic led to a lack of interesting discussion. (这个话题的耗尽导致了缺乏有趣的讨论。)
- Her constant demands exhausted his patience. (她不断的要求使他的耐心耗尽了。)
- The marathon runners showed signs of exhaustion as they crossed the finish line. (马拉松选手们在冲过终点线时显示出筋疲力尽的迹象。)
- The exhaustion of the oil reserves is a major concern for the country. (石油储备的耗尽是该国的一大关注点。)
- The exhaustion of the topic was evident in his repetitive arguments. (他反复的论点表明了这个话题的耗尽。)