- cipher [ˈsaɪfər] (adj.)
- cipher [ˈsaɪfər] (n.)
- cipher (adj.):无关紧要的;不重要的;无足轻重的
- cipher (n.):密码;暗号
- cipher (n.):零;零点
- cipher (n.):秘密的团体;秘密的组织
- cipher (n.):无足轻重的人;无用的人
- cipher 和 code 的区别在于 cipher 是指用算法对数据进行加密,而 code 则是指将消息转化为特定符号或代号。
- cipher 和 cypher 是同一个单词,只是拼写不同,没有实质性区别。
- decipher [dɪˈsaɪfər] (v.):解密;破解
- encipher [ɪnˈsaɪfər] (v.):加密
- cryptogram [ˈkrɪptəgræm] (n.):密码;暗号
- cryptology [krɪpˈtɒlədʒi] (n.):密码学
- code [koʊd] (n.):代码;法规;密码
- encipher [ɪnˈsaɪfər] (v.):加密
- encode [ɪnˈkoʊd] (v.):编码
- encrypt [ɪnˈkrɪpt] (v.):加密
- decipher [dɪˈsaɪfər] (v.):解密;破解
- decrypt [dɪˈkrɪpt] (v.):解密
- plain [pleɪn] (adj.):明文的;无密码的
- decode [diˈkoʊd] (v.):解码
- If you refer to something as a cipher, you mean that it has no meaning or no importance. (adj.)
- A cipher is a secret system of writing that you use to send messages. Each letter is represented by a number. (n.)
- The cipher is the system of writing or the set of symbols that is used to represent the letters of a code. (n.)
- If you describe someone as a cipher, you mean that they have no power or are not important. (n.)
- The cipher is the zero (0) symbol. (n.)
- A cipher is a secret system of writing that you use to send messages. Each letter is represented by a number. (n.)
- The cipher is the system of writing or the set of symbols that is used to represent the letters of a code. (n.)
- A cipher is a message written in a secret code. (n.)
- A cipher is a person or thing that has no power or is not important. (n.)
- A cipher is a way of changing a message to keep it secret. (v.)
- The document contains nothing but a cipher message.(这份文件里除了一条密码信息什么都没有。)
- He is just a cipher in the company.(他在公司里无足轻重。)
- The secret agent managed to decipher the coded message.(特工设法破译了密文。)
- The spy used an encipher machine to transmit the classified information.(间谍使用了一台加密机来传输机密信息。)
- After hours of trying, the analyst finally managed to decode the cipher.(分析员经过数小时的努力,终于设法解码了这个密码。)
- The cipher is used to protect sensitive data.(这个密码用来保护敏感数据。)
- The military is using advanced cryptography techniques to secure their communication.(军方正在使用先进的密码学技术来保护通信安全。)
- She encrypted the file to prevent unauthorized access.(她对文件进行了加密,以防止未经授权的访问。)
- He was assigned to decipher enemy codes during the war.(战争期间,他被派去解密敌军密码。)
- The cryptogram turned out to be an important clue in the investigation.(这个密码原来是调查中的一个重要线索。)
- The cipher organization is suspected to be involved in illegal activities.(这个秘密组织涉嫌参与非法活动。)
- He was a mere cipher in the grand scheme of things.(在整个计划中,他只是一个无关紧要的人。)
- The cipher indicated the position of the hidden treasure.(这个密码指示了隐藏宝藏的位置。)
- I couldn't understand the cipher in the message.(我无法理解消息中的密码。)
- She joined the organization as a cipher and gradually worked her way up.(她最初只是作为一个无足轻重的人加入了这个组织,然后逐渐晋升。)
- The detective managed to break the criminal's cipher.(侦探设法破译了罪犯的密码。)
- He was able to decrypt the encrypted file using a specialized software.(他使用专门的软件解密了这个被加密的文件。)
- The code was so complex that it took them days to decrypt it.(这个代码非常复杂,他们花了好几天才解密。)
- She encoded the secret message using a unique algorithm.(她用一种独特的算法对秘密消息进行了编码。)
- Make sure to encode the data before transmitting it.(在传输之前一定要对数据进行编码。)
- The spy managed to encipher the confidential document before it was stolen.(在文件被盗之前,特工设法将其加密。)