1. An estate is a large area of land in the country that is owned by a family or an organization and is often used for growing crops or raising animals.(庄园)
2. An estate is a group of houses or office buildings built by the same company or organization and having the same address or the same name.(住宅区,商业区)
3. An estate is all the money and property that a person owns, especially everything that is left when they die.(遗产)
1. A large area of land in the country, usually with a large house, owned by one person, family, or organization.(庄园)
2. All the money and property owned by a particular person, especially at death.(遗产)
3. A particular type of property or land.(房地产)
4. A housing development.(住宅区)
- He is the owner of a large estate in the countryside.(他是一座大庄园的主人。)
- She inherited a considerable estate from her grandfather.(她从祖父那里继承了一笔可观的遗产。)
- They live in a luxurious estate overlooking the lake.(他们住在一座俯瞰湖泊的豪华住宅区。)
- The company is planning to develop a new residential estate in the suburbs.(公司计划在郊区开发一片新的住宅区。)
- After his death, his estate was divided among his three children.(他去世后,他的财产被分给了他的三个孩子。)
- She works as a real estate agent, helping people buy and sell properties.(她作为一名房地产经纪人,帮助人们买卖房产。)
- The estate sale attracted many potential buyers.(房产拍卖吸引了许多潜在买家。)
- He spent years on estate planning to ensure his assets are distributed according to his wishes.(他花了多年时间进行遗产规划,以确保他的资产按照他的意愿分配。)
- They bought a small estate in the countryside and turned it into a successful vineyard.(他们在乡村购买了一片小庄园,并将其变成了一片成功的葡萄园。)
- Their family has been living on this estate for generations.(他们的家族世世代代都生活在这片庄园上。)
- The estate offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.(这片庄园提供了周围乡村的惊人景色。)
- The estate is known for its beautiful gardens and historic buildings.(这个庄园以其美丽的花园和历史建筑而闻名。)
- He was the sole heir to his father's vast estate.(他是父亲庞大财产的唯一继承人。)
- The wealthy businessman owns several estates around the world.(这位富有的商人在世界各地拥有几个庄园。)
- The estate is managed by a team of professionals.(这个庄园由一支专业团队管理。)
- They have built a new housing estate on the outskirts of the city.(他们在城市郊区建了一个新的住宅区。)
- He is responsible for overseeing the maintenance of the estate.(他负责监督庄园的维护工作。)
- The estate has its own golf course and swimming pool.(这个庄园有自己的高尔夫球场和游泳池。)
- She is organizing an open house event to showcase the new estate development.(她正在组织一场开放日活动,展示新的住宅区开发项目。)
- The estate is located in a picturesque countryside setting.(这个庄园位于风景如画的乡村环境中。)