resourceful: 富有资源的,足智多谋的
1. 资源
These countries have abundant natural resources. (这些国家拥有丰富的自然资源。)
Water is a precious resource. (水是一种宝贵的资源。)
2. 资金
The project is in need of additional financial resources. (这个项目需要额外的财力支持。)
We lack the resources to invest in new technology. (我们缺乏投资新技术的资金。)
3. 资料,信息
The library provides a wealth of educational resources. (图书馆提供丰富的教育资源。)
He used online resources to research his paper. (他使用在线资源进行论文研究。)
4. 能力,才智
She has great resources as a leader. (她作为领导者具备很强的才智。)
In times of crisis, we must rely on our inner resources. (在危机时刻,我们必须依靠自身的能力。)
1. resource vs. means:resource侧重于指自然资源或其他可利用的资源,而means则更多指手段、方法。
We need to find new resources to solve this problem. (我们需要找到新的资源来解决这个问题。)
There are many means available to achieve our goals. (有很多可用的方法来实现我们的目标。)
2. resource vs. asset:resource强调资源的价值和利用性,而asset侧重于指个人或组织的财产或资产。
Her knowledge and experience are valuable resources to the company. (她的知识和经验对公司来说是宝贵的资源。)
The company's assets include real estate and intellectual property. (公司的资产包括房地产和知识产权。)
1. human resources:人力资源
The company is hiring a new director of human resources. (公司正在招聘一位新的人力资源总监。)
2. natural resources:自然资源
The country's economy relies heavily on its natural resources. (该国经济严重依赖自然资源。)
3. renewable resources:可再生资源
Solar energy is a prime example of renewable resources. (太阳能是可再生资源的一个典型例子。)
1. assets
2. reserves
3. supplies
4. provisions
5. stock
1. lack
2. scarcity
3. deficiency
4. shortage
5. insufficiency
resources (noun)
1. (物质上的)资源
2. (财务上的)资金
3. (信息或知识的)来源
4. (才智或能力的)来源
resources (noun)
1. (供特定目的使用的)资金、设备、材料等
2. (人的)才能、技能、知识等
3. (供被提供、引用或参考的)信息来源
4. (特定活动或目的所需的)资源
1. 资源可以指自然资源、财务资金、信息来源、个人能力等。
2. 在复数形式下resources表示某个组织、个人或国家所拥有的全部资源。
3. 作为名词时,resources可以与动词have、provide、allocate等搭配使用。
1. The company has invested heavily in research and development to tap into new resources. (公司在研发上投入了大量资金,以开发新的资源。)
2. The government needs to allocate more resources to address the issue of poverty. (政府需要投入更多资源来解决贫困问题。)
3. They have access to a vast range of educational resources online. (他们可以在网上获取大量的教育资源。)
4. The team's resourceful leader always finds creative solutions to challenges. (团队富有智慧的领导者总是能够找到创造性的解决方案来应对挑战。)
5. The lack of resources hindered the progress of the project. (缺乏资源阻碍了项目的进展。)
6. The library is a valuable resource for students seeking information. (图书馆对于寻求信息的学生来说是宝贵的资源。)
7. She managed to complete the task with limited resources. (她在有限的资源下成功完成了任务。)
8. The organization has a dedicated team of human resources professionals. (该组织拥有一支专业的人力资源团队。)
9. The company's financial resources were stretched thin during the economic downturn. (在经济低迷期间,公司的财务资源紧张。)
10. The government is exploring ways to harness renewable resources for sustainable energy production. (政府正在探索利用可再生资源进行可持续能源生产的方法。)
11. The project requires a substantial amount of resources to be successful. (这个项目需要大量的资源才能成功。)
12. He relied on his inner resources to overcome the challenges he faced. (他依靠自身的能力克服面临的挑战。)
13. The company's resources are mainly focused on research and development. (公司的资源主要集中在研发上。)
14. The organization needs to prioritize its resources to achieve its goals. (该组织需要合理分配资源以实现目标。)
15. The team used their collective resources to come up with a solution. (团队利用集体智慧提出了一种解决方案。)
16. The project manager is responsible for managing the project's resources effectively. (项目经理负责有效管理项目的资源。)
17. The company has a diverse range of resources at its disposal. (公司可以利用多样化的资源。)
18. The organization is committed to sustainable use of natural resources. (该组织致力于可持续利用自然资源。)
19. The team collaborated with external resources to complete the project on time. (团队与外部资源合作,按时完成了项目。)
20. The company invests in the development of its employees' skills and resources. (公司投资于员工技能和能力的发展。)