wellness [ˈwɛlnəs]:
1. adj. 健康的;良好的
2. adj. 身心健康的
3. adj. 具有身心健康的状态
- He always tries to maintain a wellness lifestyle through regular exercise and a balanced diet. (他总是通过定期锻炼和均衡饮食来保持健康的生活方式。)
- The wellness program at work includes yoga classes and stress management workshops. (工作中的健康计划包括瑜伽课程和压力管理讲座。)
- She believes that a positive mindset is essential for achieving wellness. (她认为积极的心态对于实现身心健康至关重要。)
wellness [ˈwɛlnəs]:
1. n. 健康;健康状态
2. n. (企业的)健康管理计划;健康促进活动
- Regular exercise and a balanced diet are important for maintaining wellness. (定期锻炼和均衡饮食对于保持健康至关重要。)
- Many companies now offer wellness programs to improve employees' health and productivity. (许多公司现在提供健康管理计划来改善员工的健康和生产力。)
- She decided to attend a wellness retreat to relax and rejuvenate. (她决定参加一个健康旅行以放松和恢复活力。)
well-being(n. 幸福;福祉)
fitness(n. 健康;适合度)
holistic(adj. 整体的;全面的)
balance(n. 平衡;均衡)
nutritious(adj. 有营养的)
mindfulness(n. 念力;正念)
self-care(n. 自我保健)
wellbeing(n. 幸福;福祉)
healthiness(n. 健康;健康状况)
illness(n. 疾病;生病)
unwellness(n. 不健康;不适)
wellness (noun):
The definition of
wellness in the Collins English Dictionary is the state of being in good physical and mental health.
wellness (noun):
The state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.
- They offer a range of
wellness treatments and therapies. (他们提供各种各样的健康疗法。)
- The company has a
wellness program to promote employee health. (该公司有一个健康计划来促进员工的健康。)
- She focuses on holistic
wellness practices. (她专注于整体的健康实践。)
- The retreat offers various activities to enhance
wellness. (这个旅行提供了各种活动来增强健康。)
1. He always tries to maintain a wellness lifestyle through regular exercise and a balanced diet. (他总是通过定期锻炼和均衡饮食来保持健康的生活方式。)
2. The wellness program at work includes yoga classes and stress management workshops. (工作中的健康计划包括瑜伽课程和压力管理讲座。)
3. She believes that a positive mindset is essential for achieving wellness. (她认为积极的心态对于实现身心健康至关重要。)
4. Regular exercise and a balanced diet are important for maintaining wellness. (定期锻炼和均衡饮食对于保持健康至关重要。)
5. Many companies now offer wellness programs to improve employees' health and productivity. (许多公司现在提供健康管理计划来改善员工的健康和生产力。)
6. She decided to attend a wellness retreat to relax and rejuvenate. (她决定参加一个健康旅行以放松和恢复活力。)
7. The wellness center provides a variety of services, such as massage, acupuncture, and nutrition counseling. (健康中心提供各种服务,如按摩、针灸和营养咨询。)
8. The company values the wellness of its employees and offers gym memberships as a benefit. (公司重视员工的健康,并提供健身会员作为福利。)
9. She practices mindfulness meditation as part of her wellness routine. (她将正念冥想作为健康日常的一部分进行实践。)
10. The wellness industry has seen significant growth in recent years. (健康产业近年来发展迅速。)
11. The retreat offers a range of wellness activities, including hiking, yoga, and spa treatments. (这个旅行提供多种健康活动,包括徒步旅行、瑜伽和水疗。)
12. The wellness coach provided guidance on nutrition and exercise. (健康教练就营养和锻炼提供指导。)
13. The wellness fair featured booths promoting healthy living and preventive care. (健康博览会设有展台,宣传健康生活和预防保健。)
14. The company offers a wellness reimbursement program to encourage employees to engage in healthy activities. (公司提供健康报销计划,鼓励员工参与健康活动。)
15. The wellness retreat was a great opportunity to recharge and focus on self-care. (健康旅行是一个很好的机会来充电和关注自我保健。)
16. The wellness center provides resources for stress management and mental health support. (健康中心提供压力管理和心理健康支持的资源。)
17. The wellness program includes seminars on nutrition, fitness, and mental well-being. (健康计划包括营养、健身和心理健康的研讨会。)
18. The wellness coach helps individuals set goals and develop strategies for improving their overall well-being. (健康教练帮助个人设定目标并制定改善整体幸福感的策略。)
19. The wellness retreat offered a range of workshops, such as mindfulness and stress reduction. (健康旅行提供了一系列的研讨会,如正念和压力减轻。)
20. The company's wellness program has led to increased employee satisfaction and reduced sick leave. (公司的健康计划导致员工满意度提高,病假减少。)