hoofed [形容词] - 有蹄的名词
1. hoof [名词] - 蹄子 2. hooves [名词] - 蹄子(复数形式)词语辨析
hoof 通常用作单复数形式,而 hooves 则是 hoof 的复数形式。词汇扩充
- hoofbeat [名词] - 蹄声 - hoofmark [名词] - 蹄印 - hoofpick [名词] - 蹄铁钩 - hoofprint [名词] - 蹄印 - hoofed [形容词] - 有蹄的近义词
- claw [名词] - 爪子 - paw [名词] - 爪子 - foot [名词] - 脚反义词
- hoofed [形容词] - 有蹄的柯林斯词典
- 名词:A hoof is the hard part of the foot of an animal such as a horse, cow, or sheep. - 动词:If a horse or similar animal hoofs it, it runs fast.牛津词典
- 名词:The horny part of the foot of an ungulate animal, especially a horse or deer. - 动词:[with object] Kick (a ball) hard and clumsily.用法
- The horse galloped through the field, its hooves pounding against the ground. - The farmer used a hoofpick to clean the mud from the horse's hooves. - The hiker noticed hoofprints on the trail, indicating that deer had recently passed through. - The sound of hoofbeats echoed through the valley as the herds of wild horses ran free.例句
- The horse galloped through the field, its hooves pounding against the ground.(这匹马在田野上飞奔,蹄子砰砰地踏着地面。)
- The farmer used a hoofpick to clean the mud from the horse's hooves.(农民用蹄铁钩清理马蹄上的泥土。)
- The hiker noticed hoofprints on the trail, indicating that deer had recently passed through.(徒步旅行者注意到小径上有蹄印,表明鹿最近经过了。)
- The sound of hoofbeats echoed through the valley as the herds of wild horses ran free.(野马奔放时,蹄声在山谷中回荡。)
- The goat's hooves were well-trimmed and in good condition.(山羊的蹄子修剪得很好,状态良好。)
- The horse's hooves were covered with mud after the rainstorm.(暴风雨后,马蹄沾满了泥土。)
- The farrier nailed a new horseshoe onto the horse's hoof.(铁匠往马蹄上钉了一只新马蹄铁。)
- The horse kicked up its hind hooves in excitement.(马兴奋地踢起后蹄。)
- He hoofs it to work every day instead of taking the bus.(他每天步行上班,而不是坐公交车。)
- The football player hooved the ball into the net for a goal.(足球运动员将球猛踢入球网得分。)
- She examined the cow's hooves to check for any signs of disease.(她检查了牛的蹄子,看是否有疾病迹象。)
- The horse's hooves made a rhythmic sound as it trotted along the trail.(马在小径上小跑时,蹄声有规律地响起。)
- The hiker followed the hoofprints in the snow to track the deer's path.(徒步旅行者根据雪地上的蹄印追踪鹿的路径。)
- The cowboy rode his horse into town, the sound of hoofbeats announcing his arrival.(牛仔骑马进城,蹄声宣告着他的到来。)
- She cleaned the horse's hooves before attaching the horseshoes.(她在安装蹄铁之前清洁了马蹄。)
- The deer leaped gracefully, its hooves barely making a sound as it landed.(鹿优雅地跳跃,蹄子着地时几乎没有发出声音。)
- The horse kicked its hind hooves in protest, refusing to move forward.(马愤怒地踢起后蹄,拒绝向前移动。)
- The hoofed animal grazed peacefully in the meadow.(有蹄动物在草地上平静地吃草。)
- The hiker admired the beauty of the mountain goats' hooves, perfectly adapted for climbing steep cliffs.(徒步旅行者欣赏山羊蹄子的美丽,它们完美地适应了攀爬陡峭悬崖的环境。)
- She carefully examined the horse's hooves for any signs of lameness.(她仔细检查马蹄,看是否有任何跛行的迹象。)
- The sound of hooves echoed through the forest as the herd of wild horses galloped past.(野马群飞奔而过,蹄声在森林中回荡。)