1. jobless [ˈdʒɒbləs]含义:失业的,无工作的
例句:Many people in the town are jobless and struggling to make ends meet.
很多人在这个城镇上失业了,勉力维持生计。 2. unemployed [ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd]
例句:The unemployed workers protested against the lack of job opportunities.
1. jobless [ˈdʒɒbləs]含义:失业者,无业者
例句:The government is taking measures to provide assistance to the jobless.
政府正在采取措施为失业者提供援助。 2. unemployed [ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd]
例句:The number of unemployed has increased due to the economic downturn.
jobless和unemployed都可以用作形容词和名词,但在实际使用中,它们的含义和用法有一些区别。 作形容词时,jobless侧重于描述某人没有工作、失业的状态,强调没有工作的状况。而unemployed则更加通用,可以用来描述任何没有工作的人,包括失业、未就业和无业的人。 作名词时,jobless和unemployed都指的是失业者,没有明显的区别。词汇扩充
其他与"jobless"相关的词汇包括:unemployment(失业),joblessness(失业状态),out of work(失业的),unoccupied(空缺的)等。近义词
- redundant(多余的) - idle(闲置的) - workless(无工作的) - out of a job(失去工作的)反义词
- employed(就业的) - working(工作的) - occupied(有工作的)柯林斯词典
jobless [ˈdʒɒbləs]形容词
jobless [ˈdʒɒbləs]形容词
1. 形容词用法:- He has been jobless for six months.
(他已经失业六个月了。) - The jobless rate has risen sharply during the recession.
(在经济衰退期间,失业率大幅上升。) 2. 名词用法:
- The jobless are struggling to find employment.
(失业者正在努力寻找工作。) - The government is providing support for the jobless.
1. The jobless rate has reached its highest level in years.(失业率已经达到多年来的最高水平。) 2. She has been jobless since she was laid off last year.
(她自从去年被解雇以来一直失业。) 3. The company announced layoffs, leaving many workers jobless.
(公司宣布裁员,导致许多工人失业。) 4. The government is implementing measures to reduce the number of jobless.
(政府正在实施措施以减少失业人数。) 5. Many young graduates are struggling to find jobs and are joining the ranks of the jobless.
(许多年轻毕业生正在努力找工作,并加入了失业人群。) 6. The jobless are facing financial difficulties and uncertainty about their future.
(失业者面临经济困难和对未来的不确定性。) 7. The government is providing job training programs to help the jobless gain new skills.
(政府正在提供职业培训项目,帮助失业者获得新的技能。) 8. The jobless are eligible for unemployment benefits for a certain period of time.
(失业者在一定时间内有资格领取失业救济金。) 9. The jobless rate has decreased slightly compared to last year.
(与去年相比,失业率略有下降。) 10. The jobless are facing a tough job market with limited opportunities.
(失业者面临机会有限的艰难就业市场。) 11. The government needs to address the issue of jobless youth and provide them with employment opportunities.
(政府需要解决青年失业问题,并为他们提供就业机会。) 12. The jobless have been hit hard by the economic crisis.
(经济危机对失业者造成了严重打击。) 13. The jobless are seeking support and assistance from the government.
(失业者正在寻求政府的支持和援助。) 14. The jobless are facing challenges in finding suitable employment.
(失业者在寻找合适的工作方面面临挑战。) 15. The jobless rate has risen steadily over the past year.
(失业率在过去一年中持续上升。) 16. The jobless are encouraged to upgrade their skills to improve their employability.
(鼓励失业者提升自己的技能,提高就业能力。) 17. The jobless are struggling to make ends meet without a steady income.
(失业者没有稳定的收入,勉力维持生计。) 18. The jobless are facing discrimination in the job market.
(失业者在就业市场上面临歧视。) 19. The jobless rate is a key indicator of the health of the economy.
(失业率是经济健康状况的关键指标。) 20. The government is implementing policies to reduce the number of jobless and stimulate job creation.